Wedding Etiquette

it will be small, and great craic, and i’ll probably pay for everyones drink as well. I don’t feel the need to bring 150 cunts/relations/neighbours i don’t know to a wedding

So, to clarify, Kev doesn’t give gifts at weddings and refuses to do the norm which is ‘cover your meal at the very least’. The actions of a complete and utter cunt right there.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965193, member: 273”]Its not common courtesy, its people going over the top, being greedy and very self indulgent and asking others to fork out.
Don’t fucking spend it if you don’t have it moron.
So you arrange a wedding and try and get everyone else to pay for it. The Celtic tiger living beyond our means is still alive and well. If the couple, or the family or whoever cannot afford 15k to invite their friends to celebrate WITH them then they should go for something cheaper.[/QUOTE]

Weddings were around long before the Celtic Tiger.

Don’t go if you don’t want to give a present.

Your kids are in for a fucking rude awakening at Christmas…‘Don’t write a letter expecting presents that Santa can’t afford to give you son, that’s very presumptuous of you’.

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965187, member: 306”]It’s just common courtesy really.

You don’t really expect people to shell out 15k+ so you’re going to have a laugh do you?

Have you gone to many weddings where you didn’t give a present?[/QUOTE]

I agree that everyone should bring a present but at the same time the money the gride and broom spend on the gig is irrelevant.

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965199, member: 306”]Weddings were around long before the Celtic Tiger.

Don’t go if you don’t want to give a present.

Your kids are in for a fucking rude awakening at Christmas…‘Don’t write a letter expecting presents that Santa can’t afford to give you son, that’s very presumptuous of you’.[/QUOTE]
I have the emotional intelligence to seperate these 2 occassions, you clearly don’t.
Don’t go? That would arguably be even rude, what the fuck is wrong with you, you greedy ignorant cunt.

You’re the type of cunt who arranged the wedding at about 60 bucks a head and then asked enough to make a profit based on all these stupid cunts giving you 100+.

What is it with this place? Its definitely got its own demographic. More weddings than not i’ve gone to in the last 10 years have specifically said “You do not need to give us money” or “Your presence is our present”.

I must just have a better cut of friend. I feel good about that now actually.

Could you imagine if Kevs presence was his present, it’d be akin to someone taking a shit on your gift table.

what kind of a present would you give to 2x32 year olds with a house and 50-100k a year or more coming in?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965205, member: 273”]

I must just have a better cut of friend. I feel good about that now actually.[/QUOTE]

you have fuckin everything pal… good looks, good job, good woman, good friends…i, for one, am so fookin jealous…

It’s not on all the invites that go out, only ones to Kev.
It’s like when a relation makes the cake or provides the music as their present. Kev’s gift is being there and letting the bride and groom bask in his glory.



[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965137, member: 273”]That’s because it’s not that serious. In fact it’s not serious at all. It’s a wedding, it’s supposed to be joyous and relaxed. And in the modern day it’s also completely changed, people live together before marriage. The point of presents traditionally was to help people get a start, that all gone.
I think it’s disgusting people who own a house and have jobs take money off their wedding guests. If I get any money it will be either given back or put behind the bar.[/QUOTE]


i agree completely with this and starting from dancing babys wedding onwards Ill not be given anyone 1 red cent

Come to the wedding you do not need to give us money

Damn printers, they got this all screwed up

Come to the wedding? You do not need to. Give us money.

I bet he’s got the voice of an angel as well.

probably win a 3 legged race on his own as well, the cunt…

i don’t have a good job. it has its benefits being self employed, but its far from a “good job”. The looks will fade, i hope i hold onto the rest. What else do you need other than a good woman and good friends?
If guys think thats more than good or not normal its no wonder some of the cunts spend so much time here and are so cranky.

A friend of mine got an invite to a wedding lately that said explicitly, give us cash instead of presents :smiley:

I think that’s pretty much implied these days but to actually say it is fairly cheeky.

The wedding is on a Thursday as well :rolleyes:

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 965218, member: 332”]A friend of mine got an invite to a wedding lately that said explicitly, give us cash instead of presents :smiley:

I think that’s pretty much implied these days but to actually say it is fairly cheeky.

The wedding is on a Thursday as well :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
I’ve heard/seen this in the past. Its outrageous.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 965218, member: 332”]A friend of mine got an invite to a wedding lately that said explicitly, give us cash instead of presents :smiley:

I think that’s pretty much implied these days but to actually say it is fairly cheeky.

The wedding is on a Thursday as well :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Suits me to know its cash, saves having to think of a gift, a wedding is a celebration and a start of a new life, its common courtesy to give a gift to such an event. Granted putting it on the invite is a bit forward and a Thursday wedding is cuntish, Friday or nowt.

So how much will I give, lads?

From yourself or from you and the missus?

From you, as a groomsman on your own, I’d go €300 straight.