Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965205, member: 273”]I have the emotional intelligence to seperate these 2 occassions, you clearly don’t.
Don’t go? That would arguably be even rude, what the fuck is wrong with you, you greedy ignorant cunt.

You’re the type of cunt who arranged the wedding at about 60 bucks a head and then asked enough to make a profit based on all these stupid cunts giving you 100+.

I must just have a better cut of friend. I feel good about that now actually.[/QUOTE]

So to be clear.

RUDE = Not going to a wedding you’re invited to

NOT RUDE = Turning up and not giving a present.

You are one horrible miserly cunt.

Fuck it but but all this talk has got me thinking of high summer, championship in full swing, down in somewhere in Kerry or the likes, sun splitting the stones, sitting out in the shirt and tie just after the ceremony, en route to, or arriving at the venue, pint in hand, chewing the shit about the football/hurling gone by or coming up.

I love the ol wedding heints :pint:

what happened since…did he drop you when he got the bird , pal?..
if so don’t give him anything but make sure to give his bird one…

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 965225, member: 180”]Fuck it but but all this talk has got me thinking of high summer, championship in full swing, down in somewhere in Kerry or the likes, sun splitting the stones, sitting out in the shirt and tie just after the ceremony, en route to, or arriving at the venue, pint in hand, chewing the shit about the football/hurling gone by or coming up.

I love the ol wedding heints :pint:[/QUOTE]

would have to be Kerry, wouldn’t it…:rolleyes:

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965223, member: 306”]So to be clear.

RUDE = Not going to a wedding you’re invited to

NOT RUDE = Turning up and not giving a present.

You are one horrible miserly cunt.[/QUOTE]
I’m not some cunt who measures giving in money. I give far more than that to people who matter. You’d do well to realise that before it’s too late.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 965222, member: 180”]From yourself or from you and the missus?

From you, as a groomsman on your own, I’d go €300 straight.[/QUOTE]

That adds a further element of uncertainty. What’s the etiquette for share of contribution to present and hotel cost when going as a couple? My friend, my tab? But should I give more to reflect the fact it’s from two of us. Share hotel cost but person whose pal is getting married to cover the cash present is what we’ve done before. Is that mean or ungentlemanly? I don’t want to be mean or ungentlemanly.

I never said a thing about money I mentioned a present - and you alluded to the fact that your presence was merely enough.

Well done on not living up to the Cork superiority complex by the way.

Go for a high-end gift.

Hi pal , I’ll take this one.

On your own I’d go 350, with partner 500.

If you don’t give a decent gift to a good mate on their wedding, then you are a cunt no matter how much you protest.

Depends does your missus know those involved or is she a complete outsider?

Nowhere like it when the sun shines pal :pint:

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965233, member: 306”]I never said a thing about money I mentioned a present - and you alluded to the fact that your presence was merely enough.

Well done on not living up to the Cork superiority complex by the way.[/QUOTE]
No, that’s what the happy couple requested dumb ass

[QUOTE=“fistoffury, post: 965237, member: 219”]Hi pal , I’ll take this one.

On your own I’d go 350, with partner 500.

If you don’t give a decent gift to a good mate on their wedding, then you are a cunt no matter how much you protest.[/QUOTE]

What would you consider acceptable on the low end, for a work colleague say?

It’s all a very grey area seems to be a huge discrepancy as to what Culchies pay versus Duds.

Yes the partner adds a degree of uncertainty, I’d say 400 if together, 300 from you, 100 from her. I’ve always gone with 200 from us both as a general rule of thumb with 400 for a close friend. Family members different as usually go with a gift with siblings. FoF’s suggestion below isn’t far off either imo.

[QUOTE=“fistoffury, post: 965237, member: 219”]Hi pal , I’ll take this one.

On your own I’d go 350, with partner 500.

If you don’t give a decent gift to a good mate on their wedding, then you are a cunt no matter how much you protest.[/QUOTE]

Kevs argument on this thread reminds me of the tipping scene in Reservoir Dogs, its cuntish no matter how much you try to cling to the morals you’ve created to hide the fact you’re a right tight bastard.

Can we agree on a scale here:

€100 You on your own to a friends wedding
€150 You +1 to a friends wedding
€150 You on your own to a good friends wedding
€200 You +1 to a good friends wedding
€350+ You to a wedding where you are in the wedding party
€400+ You +1 to a wedding where you are in the wedding party

  • Deduct €50 per person if they tell you it’s a buffet
    ** Add €50 if you and your +1 both know the couple well

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 965243, member: 180”]
Kevs argument on this thread reminds me of the tipping scene in Reservoir Dogs, its cuntish no matter how much you try to cling to the morals you’ve created to hide the fact you’re a right tight bastard.[/QUOTE]

Similar, but the lads in Reservoir Dogs were more stable

Met them 2 or 3 times in wider social circles. Please advise.

Without proof of this you’re only alluding to it.


She does not know them. See my scale above.

ours was the same
we provided tea/coffee / wine / Heineken 30 mins before , ceremony was 2-30pm , over at 3 ish, we had a string quartet playing some elavator music thru most of the time, off then with the gobshite of a photographer to the beach before the sun went down from 3-5 whilst the guests got smashed on the vino, biscuits and tea .
dinner at 5ish then, they all gave us about 120 quid, i didnt give it back to them or put of behind the bar , i sang Limerick your a lady at about half 11 before the sandwiches came out and got a huge round of applause, they all left happy