Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965248, member: 306”]Without proof of this you’re only alluding to it.

Look let’s stop this silliness and agree we’re completely different people. We look at the world differently.
You compare kids at Christmas to greedy Celtic cubs. I think spending the time and money to go to a wedding is plenty and is all I would expect of people.
I’m a cunt every now and then, you’re always a cunt. We’re just different.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 965242, member: 332”]What would you consider acceptable on the low end, for a work colleague say?

It’s all a very grey area seems to be a huge discrepancy as to what Culchies pay versus Duds.[/QUOTE]

For me it’s usually 150 single or 200 with partner. I range up from there . 500 is the most I have given to a family member or good friend. I know a lot of my friends have been married in the past two years and the general go is about 150 - 200 for a couple.

It seems that the cost range for the hotel can be from 55 - 85 per dinner for mid range hotels. So if you are not giving back at least 150 as a gift you are probably not even covering your cost.

I have an English colleagues wedding here in July, I could not believe it when a few others told me they would be giving £30 as a gift.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965257, member: 273”]Look let’s stop this silliness and agree we’re completely different people. We look at the world differently.
You compare kids at Christmas to greedy Celtic cubs. I think spending the time and money to go to a wedding is plenty and is all I would expect of people.
I’m a cunt every now and then, you’re always a cunt. We’re just different.[/QUOTE]
Kev, you do your own thing, fair play to you. The rest of them here are just sheep craving social acceptance.

keys in a bowl type circle ?..poundage you dirty dawg!..

Yet his bleating here stinks of trying to justify his tightness to strangers on the Internet. So yknow, there’s that.

You could grant your buddy Prima Nocta on your bird.

[QUOTE=“North County Corncrake, post: 965213, member: 80”]+1

i agree completely with this and starting from dancing babys wedding onwards Ill not be given anyone 1 red cent
Now look what you’ve started @caoimhaoin you utter cunt of a man

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965257, member: 273”]Look let’s stop this silliness and agree we’re completely different people. We look at the world differently.
You compare kids at Christmas to greedy Celtic cubs. I think spending the time and money to go to a wedding is plenty and is all I would expect of people.
I’m a cunt every now and then, you’re always a cunt. We’re just different.[/QUOTE]

No I’m used an analogy to to show how you’re justifying you’re miserly cuntish-ness.

The longer you spend in Oz the more you seem confused by the English language and normally acceptable behaviour for a decent human being.

Lay off the vegemite and steroids dude - they’re changing you.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 965245, member: 332”]Can we agree on a scale here:

€100 You on your own to a friends wedding
€150 You +1 to a friends wedding
€150 You on your own to a good friends wedding
€200 You +1 to a good friends wedding
€350+ You to a wedding where you are in the wedding party
€400+ You +1 to a wedding where you are in the wedding party

  • Deduct €50 per person if they tell you it’s a buffet
    ** Add €50 if you and your +1 both know the couple well[/QUOTE]

what if it’s not on a friday or saturday?
surely minus another 50

i PM’ed @caoimhaoin in August 2012 about printing wedding invitations and i received a most abusive retort ( i think i also threw in something about election posters and letters to the examiner)

Weddings are a fucking pain in the arse. At least 70% of people at most weddings have no interest in being there.

I don’t plan on getting married for the simple fact that I don’t want to drag people to something they’ve no interest in going to.

No wonder his business went under an he had to flee his creditors if thats how he ran it. He could have done with some tips from someone like @Bandage, now there’s a businessman.

be careful with free drink and Irish pal… the lads will do the dog and there’ll be a mill up… especially if they are fitness freaks like you…they won’t hold the hooch h… i was at a wedding a few years ago and the residents bar was still going at about 5…there was about 3 separate punch ups in the space of half an hour…i can see why residents bars usually lock down at 2.30 at weddings!..

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 965272, member: 6”]Weddings are a fucking pain in the arse. At least 70% of people at most weddings have no interest in being there.

I don’t plan on getting married for the simple fact that I don’t want to drag people to something they’ve no interest in going to.[/QUOTE]
70% then aren’t doing them right then, ie held in shitholes, shit food, shit friends, shit timing etc. We’ve all been there, but a well organized wedding with a good table of alright sorts can be a savage days entertainment and boozing. Perhaps having a big family helps, as you get older its harder to meet up with everyone as much as you used to, especially cousins etc, so there’s always that element.

the polish event manager at our hotel for the irish part of the wedding told us never under any circumstances to open the bar for free during the night for an hour or so, only for the opening complimentary salvos


I don’t plan on getting married for the simple fact that I don’t want to drag people to something they’ve no interest in going to.[/QUOTE]

agreed…and every wedding is the same… same fookin food, fired at you and whipped away in no time… then the men head to the corner of the bar to talk about football and women head to the tables to natter about kids…when everyone is pie eyed only then do they edge near the dancefloor…muldoons…:smiley:

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 965269, member: 367”]what if it’s not on a friday or saturday?
surely minus another 50[/QUOTE]


I don’t plan on getting married for the simple fact that I don’t want to drag people to something they’ve no interest in going to.[/QUOTE]

agreed…and every wedding is the same… same fookin food, fired at you and whipped away in no time… then the men head to the corner of the bar to talk about football and women head to the tables to natter about kids…when everyone is pie eyed only then do they edge near the dancefloor…muldoons…:D[/QUOTE]

You and Brian have been at some shit weddings by the sound of things.

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 965272, member: 6”]Weddings are a fucking pain in the arse. At least 70% of people at most weddings have no interest in being there.

I don’t plan on getting married for the simple fact that I don’t want to drag people to something they’ve no interest in going to.[/QUOTE]

People whose wedding I want to go to/enjoyed going to: siblings, close circle of about 15 to 20 friends including best friends/siblings of the princess/little lady (at a push).

Everybody else, fuck off.

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 965284, member: 1537”]This.

People whose wedding I want to go to/enjoyed going to: siblings, close circle of about 15 to 20 friends including best friends/siblings of the princess/little lady (at a push).

Everybody else, fuck off.[/QUOTE]
@Mark Renton will be seething when he hears you dream about going to his birds friends’ weddings.

Why don’t you just not go to the others? Don’t lads realise people don’t mind all that much people rsvp’ing no to invites? Once you RSVP at all they tend to be happy enough, its cunts who don’t respond to invites are the real headaches.