Wedding Etiquette

Jaysus does anything sink the heart more than to open the post of a morning to find a card announcing that you have been cordially invited to a wedding in the Four Seasons. Dress code Black Tie. Fuck sake some floozy imagining she’s the Queen inviting people to a Royal Garden Party. We’re only one generation removed from peasantry ( if at all ) and here we are spending a fortune standing around all day in a scratchy polyester black suit and a clip on bow tie pretending we are Lord Muck.

So what am I giving then? Let’s finalise this before lunch.

[QUOTE=“fistoffury, post: 965283, member: 219”]

You and Brian have been at some shit weddings by the sound of things.[/QUOTE]

so have you pal…you just didn’t notice…:frowning:

You’re spot on there about the black tie bit, I’ll give you that much. I’ve been to 3 of these in my time as a plus 1, all cunts, all with notions and 2 were of course rugger crowd.

€400 - €500 or else a night with your +1

€500 note… show him how far you’ve come from the days in the 51…he’s only inviting you to show you how far he’s come since he dropped you…this relationship has withnail and I written all over it…

Please desist from making tedious barbs forthwith.

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965171, member: 306”]Is it not to cover the cost of the dinner and rental of the venue?

It’s a bit miserly to think that you’d get a free day out and dinner without any investment on your part.[/QUOTE]
It is. But then again, how often do you attend a wedding you don’t give a shite about and yet you are obliged to give a gift so that you can attend the celebration of the love of two people that you possibly couldn’t really give a fuck about. Load of bollocks really.


Black tie, pile of sh!t. I was at one, wasn’t going to go out of protest, but had to.

It doesn’t feel like a wedding at all, more like some accountants annual ball.

Now that’s something I’d be up for.

[QUOTE=“stones_off, post: 965298, member: 1559”]Black tie, pile of sh!t. I was at one, wasn’t going to go out of protest, but had to.

It doesn’t feel like a wedding at all, more like some accountants annual ball.[/QUOTE]
Best way to tackle a black tie is to take it literally, wear a black suit with a black tie, fuck them and their black tie.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 965214, member: 332”]Come to the wedding you do not need to give us money

Damn printers, they got this all screwed up

Come to the wedding? You do not need to. Give us money.[/QUOTE]

Free consultation?

No, money down!

That is acceptable isn’t it ? Any Black tie event I have been to will have a decent percentage of suits and ties.

Mos def.

Gets to the stage where a summons through the letter box is preferable to a wedding invitation. And cheaper.

Lot of weddings now are three day jobs. Night before. Wedding. Post wedding BBQ.

Spend the money on one good day with a free bar and everybody is laughing.

I completely agree with the gist of what @caoimhaoin is getting at.

It is someone’s choice to get married. What’s more it is someone’s choice what kind of celebration they are having. A lot of people go for big fancy weddings with numerous pieces of bridesmaid/groomsman gear and the fancy castle. A pile of people are invited obviously with the aim or firstly showing off, secondly revelling in being the centre of attention and most importantly that the guest will see the fancy location and adjust their ‘present (it is actually a fee)’ accordingly. So in effect, the guests are paying for them to look smart.

So it begs the question, if I decide to get married and invite people is it completely taking the spirit out of it by expecting the guests to come with a hefty present? The answer is yes in my view. If it were me, I would be happy with 30 or 40 people. No place for Mary, the widow of my Dad’s first cousin, or Joe who invited my Mam and Dad to his wedding 20 years ago. I would take the view that they are not sufficiently close to me for me to want them to be at my wedding. Christ I would have spoke to them 10 times in total in my life.

I would not expect the people I invite to bring a present. Now here is where itb gets tricky. If some close mate decided that he would like to give us a gift I would accept it. It would be rude not to. But I wouldn’t get at someone who didn’t give anything. Who gives a shite about receiiving a pile of plates from some old one that looks rank?

I saw a couple after a wedding maintaining a list of those who had brought presents or not. Fucking shocking carry on.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 965320, member: 24”]Free consultation?

No, money down![/QUOTE]

Ah Farmer. Come on.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 965333, member: 24”]I completely agree with the gist of what @caoimhaoin is getting at.

It is someone’s choice to get married. What’s more it is someone’s choice what kind of celebration they are having. A lot of people go for big fancy weddings with numerous pieces of bridesmaid/groomsman gear and the fancy castle. A pile of people are invited obviously with the aim or firstly showing off, secondly revelling in being the centre of attention and most importantly that the guest will see the fancy location and adjust their ‘present (it is actually a fee)’ accordingly. So in effect, the guests are paying for them to look smart.

So it begs the question, if I decide to get married and invite people is it completely taking the spirit out of it by expecting the guests to come with a hefty present? The answer is yes in my view. If it were me, I would be happy with 30 or 40 people. No place for Mary, the widow of my Dad’s first cousin, or Joe who invited my Mam and Dad to his wedding 20 years ago. I would take the view that they are not sufficiently close to me for me to want them to be at my wedding. Christ I would have spoke to them 10 times in total in my life.

I would not expect the people I invite to bring a present. Now here is where itb gets tricky. If some close mate decided that he would like to give us a gift I would accept it. It would be rude not to. But I wouldn’t get at someone who didn’t give anything. Who gives a shite about receiiving a pile of plates from some old one that looks rank?

I saw a couple after a wedding maintaining a list of those who had brought presents or not. Fucking shocking carry on.[/QUOTE]
true but if your parents are alive and were invited to Joe and Mary’s daughters wedding recently then you end up making your parents (rightly or wrongly) in their own eyes look bad if Joe and Mary are not invited. You can do what you want but a part of an Irish wedding is about the parents too and who they feel need to be invited.

Agree re the fee thing- almost all presents now are cash and most couples factor it in to paying for the wedding/honeymoon that they will get minimum 200 per couple attending

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 965342, member: 2272”]. You can do what you want but a part of an Irish wedding is about the parents too and who they feel need to be invited.

only if you let them pay for some of it…if you don’t take their money then they have no say…