Wedding Etiquette

We got some very nice gifts (and some we’ll never use). Stuff that you would never spend the money on yourself, but are nice to have.

Such as?

I didn’t think a honeymoon was ever planned the night if a wedding based in gate receipts spidey. Hence that makes your comment, which might have initially seemed witty, pretty stupid.

So you got clutter and things?

[QUOTE=“scumpot, post: 965352, member: 182”]It is someone’s choice to get married. What’s more it is someone’s choice what kind of celebration they are having. A lot of people go for big fancy weddings with numerous pieces of bridesmaid/groomsman gear and the fancy castle. A pile of people are invited obviously with the aim or firstly showing off, secondly revelling in being the centre of attention and most importantly that the guest will see the fancy location and adjust their ‘present (it is actually a fee)’ accordingly. So in effect, the guests are paying for them to look smart.

So it begs the question, if I decide to get married and invite people is it completely taking the spirit out of it by expecting the guests to come with a hefty present? The answer is yes in my view. If it were me, I would be happy with 30 or 40 people. No place for Mary, the widow of my Dad’s first cousin, or Joe who invited my Mam and Dad to his wedding 20 years ago. I would take the view that they are not sufficiently close to me for me to want them to be at my wedding. Christ I would have spoke to them 10 times in total in my life.

I would not expect the people I invite to bring a present. Now here is where itb gets tricky. If some close mate decided that he would like to give us a gift I would accept it. It would be rude not to. But I wouldn’t get at someone who didn’t give anything. Who gives a shite about receiiving a pile of plates from some old one that looks rank?

I saw a couple after a wedding maintaining a list of those who had brought presents or not. Fucking shocking carry on.[/QUOTE]

Myself and Mrs FWP got married earlier in the year at the registry office. Had two friends as witnesses and of course FWP junior. Never told family and friends (nor have we done yet!). Very stress free.

Why can’t that horrible cunt @Bisto quote posts properly?

A set of steps and a reaching stick?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 965421, member: 1786”]Galway x 1
Limerick x 3
Cork x 2[/QUOTE]

Pretty shit locations for honeymoons (with the exception of Galway).

I have a weird travel anxiety thing so I would probably like to wait a while before the honeymoon.

Pop knob in fanny.

Christ I am beginning to sound as if I want to be hitched. I can assure you that is not the case.

Congrats fenway. That’s the way to do it.

The key to the ball and chain.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 965460, member: 24”]Pretty shit locations for honeymoons (with the exception of Galway).

I have a weird travel anxiety thing so I would probably like to wait a while before the honeymoon.

Pop knob in fanny.

Christ I am beginning to sound as if I want to be hitched. I can assure you that is not the case.[/QUOTE]

Who are you trying to kid?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965423, member: 273”]I think about 1/2 out of the last 7 or 8 I went to or missed at home had people go on them.
I know in one case they couldn’t afford it cos of the wedding.[/QUOTE]

Yep the poor fuckers couldn’t afford one as tight arses such as yourself refused to give them a decent gift.

His girlfriend probably.

because every time I try to add a smiley at the end of a post it defaults back to the start the of the post i’m quoting …on the odd occasion I miss it and forget to sort it…good enough for you?..

jesus, you are some bitch…i have you badly rattled and you revert to slagging the presentation of my posts…

Cash is king you cunts.

Some biddy from down the road gave us a fucking lamp. Luckily I traced down the shop it was purchased from and got a credit note so we could get something we actually wanted.

Another prick gave us an anonymous ‘donation’ to charity… :mad: I’ll never forget the smarmy smile on the cunt as he dined for free on my wedding day.

nice memory to have from your big day… @farmerinthecity is right…its all a load of bollox, so far removed from its intended purpose…

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 965547, member: 686”]
Another prick gave us an anonymous ‘donation’ to charity… :mad: I’ll never forget the smarmy smile on the cunt as he dined for free on my wedding day.[/QUOTE]

Was this guy a mate, or some random cunt that you had to invite?

Somewhere in between pal. I know 2 other grooms who got the same treatment! I cant wait for his big day if it ever comes… I’ll update the revenge thread as per protocol.

All but a teeny blemish on another wise wonderful day pal.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 965553, member: 686”]Somewhere in between pal. I know 2 other grooms who got the same treatment! I cant wait for his big day if it ever comes… I’ll update the revenge thread as per protocol.

All but a teeny blemish on another wise wonderful day pal.[/QUOTE]
Why did you have to invite him?

we’d generally give 150 quid in a card unless it was close family and depending on closeness then you’d go up to 300.

if it was on her side she’d put in 100 and I’d put in 50 and vice versa if it was on mine