Wedding Etiquette

He’s have been part of the greater group mate… a sound bloke in his own way but mean as hell.

The last wedding I went to with a plus one I was a student and had to get a flight back for it and my then girlfriend wasn’t working and had only met the couple once or twice. I gave 100 in a card and wouldn’t take a contribution from the girlfriend as I wouldn’t expect to have to contribute to some friend of hers I didn’t know if I had gotten dragged along to their wedding. I have to go to one I couldn’t care less about in the summer and stay overnight, it will irk me but I will hand over 100 for that. I have two more coming up that are actually good friends and I will give 150.

Aka I’m a tight cunt.

The fellas who seem to be getting the most worked up over the whole wedding lark are those who’ve never gone through it.

And who probably never will, and not through choice either

Exactly. Most of the lads seem to think they’ll have some input into the day itself.

Why do you have to go to a wedding you don’t care about?

Cunts on here with there €100 wedding gifts, :rolleyes:.

The same cunts will pay €10 for a car wash though. If ye are invited pay the rate.

My sentiments exactly

Is that not fairly obvious?..if you don’t feel the desire to get married then why the hell would you??..*

*Unless you are one of them cunts who does it because your bird tells you to… ;):smiley:

Fair enough whatever you reckon mate, I think a hunge was plenty considering I flew back for it and wasn’t earning at the time. Comparatively more generous than others who can afford to drop two hunge no bother I reckon.

I have considered this myself. I’m part of the group of friends even though not as close to the wedding person as I am to the others. I’d be the worst in the world if I didn’t go, and at the end of the day it would be less trouble to go than to not go. It might even be good craic but I’d prefer to go to somewhere like Lahinch.

[QUOTE="glasagusban, post: 965576, member: 1533]

I have considered this myself. I’m part of the group of friends even though not as close to the wedding person as I am to the others. I’d be the worst in the world if I didn’t go, and at the end of the day it would be less trouble to go than to not go. It might even be good craic but I’d prefer to go to somewhere like Lahinch.[/QUOTE]

So you don’t ‘have’ to go, you’re choosing to go?

[QUOTE=“glasagusban, post: 965576, member: 1533”]Fair enough whatever you reckon mate, I think a hunge was plenty considering I flew back for it and wasn’t earning at the time. Comparatively more generous than others who can afford to drop two hunge no bother I reckon.
Did the couple get engaged & married the one week or something? Could you not have saved a few quid up?

could Art tell us one more time about the time he paid for his mate to go to Amsterdam?

While in college abroad, no mate, I couldn’t. And saving up for a wedding so I can give them more than a hundred? You are so full of shit harry! :confused:

Full of shit?


Whats that go to do with wedding etiquette?

Why dont you tell us all how many GNIB officers were at your wedding and how much money did they put in the deportation order

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965004, member: 9”]I should acknowledge his providing me with the honour of being groomsman with my monetary gift. Not only that - classmates in secondary school and UCD. A housemate/apartmentmate for part of college and then for a number of years in the formative stages of our careers. Drinking partners in The 51 every weekend from 2004-2010 inclusive. Teammate for TFK AFC when we won our first ever title, and for all those that followed. I’ve even attended Wrestlemania with this guy.

I’m edging towards making a generous contribution, but how much? Please factor in there’s travel and a couple of nights in a hotel to pay for too.[/QUOTE]

A grand. Make it memorable.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965137, member: 273”]That’s because it’s not that serious. In fact it’s not serious at all. It’s a wedding, it’s supposed to be joyous and relaxed. And in the modern day it’s also completely changed, people live together before marriage. The point of presents traditionally was to help people get a start, that all gone.
I think it’s disgusting people who own a house and have jobs take money off their wedding guests. If I get any money it will be either given back or put behind the bar.[/QUOTE]

What’s joyous and relaxed about getting married?

What’s a gift table?