Wedding Etiquette

Just bought a gift for the umteenth new arrival in the extended glenshane clan…spent about 60 gbp and I’ll throw another 50 in the envelope. I wont be invited to the christening and i wasn’t invited to the wedding, not that there was one. Years ago i established myself as a dacent enough sort of a misanthropic oddball, and I’ve mostly been unharassed by these massively overhyped bun worries since. I’d say I’ve saved thousands.


…that said I’ll attend @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy’s wedding, assuming I’m invited

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…same for @LionelRitchie’s society wedding of the year

Dancing on the ceiling surely

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an asexual weddings night when brode and groom retire to read a good book with cocao


Asexuals can be kinky, without an interest in sex. An interesting FYI.

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Missed a semi-final for the shindig on the second day?

A club mate had a very tricky situation a few years ago when a county final coincided with a close friends wedding on the other side of the country. He skipped the final which we ultimately lost anyway. A situation I’d dread personally.

In taking a massive shit (@cowpat ) after 4 monster course meal and tremendous craic at the wedding. Brilliant altogether. Young and old all with twinkle in the eye and up for the fun.

Only sour note was at meal, place charging 3.80 a small bottle for mineral. Nearly 50 wuid they wanted for kids table to have a single soft drink with the meal.

Bombed up and bought a load of 2 litre fizzy shite in nearest garage and lobbed it up on the kids table. Nothing said so on we go.

I’ll be opening the floor to requests shortly and I’ll be more than generous with my contribution! @Raylan you might get that request alright but less likely a song and more likely line of duty request,!!



You got the shit in early before the jacks are ruined with piss spatters and broken toilet bowls

@fulvio wouldn’t even take the socks off

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Or the shirt until the next day.


Was it two or three days he’d get out of a shirt.

The dirtbag.


Just, no.

The math doesn’t add up here. They claim to have been landed with a 25k bill, and 88 people RSVP’d with a yes. This means they would have to have had an average of just under 300 dollars a head in cash per person as a gift to cover the cost. That’s probably never, ever going to happen. Although, I like how the Mirror stays true to it’s half-brain readers by more than subtly delivering it as ‘Look at this stupid woke cunt who wears fake goblin ears on their wedding day and who refuses to accept their biological gender…Nobody came to their wedding, Let’s laugh at them’…and the meatheads will grunt laugh along.

I’d say the invites went out to like minded people on the internet. But when those people looked up the cost of flights and accommodation to get to wherever it was they ditched the idea.
Anyway if your banking on making money from your wedding you’re starting off wrong in the first place.

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The photo of the ‘guests’ on the side of the dancefloor shows just how much they cared.

25k for 88 people is 284 quid a head. Must have been some meal they put on

That was clearly an exploitative piece, any pictures they used would be to make them look as foolish as possible