Wedding Etiquette

great post… the last bit happens a lot more than you think…I would go as far to say it would be the norm to make a note of who gave what…so many weddings are just about showing off and trying to create the perfect image of how in love and perfect the couple are … a few wedding I’ve been to I would have no doubt the bride had a big input into the groom’s speech eventhough a she’ll pretend to be ‘dreading’ what he’s going to say…:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

you are correct on the groom’s speech, i winged it at mine TBH, it was ok like, only my side of the family understood it,
i was best man at one a few years back allright where his mother marched us into Morleys in Cork for the suits 6 months before, i knew we were bolluxed then… my speech went thru her and the groom and like @Mac on is wedding night was a total flop

@balbec , i went to the sister in laws wedding instead of my grandmother’s funeral… it still haunts me, one was in Shanagolden , the other in Rabat,

a fucking prize clown

I caught a friend of mine making a list and checking it twice. This was his excuse. Seemed plausible enough to me.
There has to be plenty of bitterness festering all over Ireland because best men mislaid a card or two when drunk.

fuck it , that’s a mugging off right there

not true kev…

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 965838, member: 367”]who?, Yelena, your Ukranian “penpal”?
what a fucking mug you are, i suppose you send her 500 euro a month via western union as well[/QUOTE]
She’s saving it all up so that she can move here and live with me and be happy forever, mate.

Ive been best man and there was no intervention from any female but to be honest you dont have a licence to run riot anyway. There is a fairly fine line and you’ll do well to know where it starts and ends.

I was groomsman at a wedding where the best man went to town in a big way… made a complete cunt of the night as he touched off areas where sleeping dogs were lying…

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 965873, member: 686”]Ive been best man and there was no intervention from any female but to be honest you dont have a licence to run riot anyway. There is a fairly fine line and you’ll do well to know where it starts and ends.

I was groomsman at a wedding where the best man went to town in a big way… made a complete cunt of the night as he touched off areas where sleeping dogs were lying…[/QUOTE]

A best man’s speech should be like a woman’s skirt. Long enough that it covers everything but short enough that it keeps the mens attention

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 965873, member: 686”]Ive been best man and there was no intervention from any female but to be honest you dont have a licence to run riot anyway. There is a fairly fine line and you’ll do well to know where it starts and ends.

I was groomsman at a wedding where the best man went to town in a big way… made a complete cunt of the night as he touched off areas where sleeping dogs were lying…[/QUOTE]

I was at a similar one. I couldn’t believe the sheer lack of attempt at humour and the straight telling stories of the groom being with prossies. I think it went over the heads of a lot of the old ones there.

Yeah, this was car crash stuff… no humour just a speech on all the vices of the groom with detailed examples provided.

I was at a wedding last year where speeches went on so long I nipped out to the bar and watched the entire KK-Tipp qualifier and was back in time for the dinner.

Don’t the speeches come after dinner?

Some weddings have them beforehand, due to people being too nervous to eat/enjoy the dinner due to making a speech shortly after


Last couple weddings I was at they were before. Kitchen must hate it.

What the fuck would anyone do with a Wedgewood tea set these days

that’s fucking pathetic carry on

A “like” doesn’t sufficiently do justice to this post from Blue here. He’s hit it on the head for once. My experience (long as it is) usually involves orchestrating the scenario alluded to. Pile the regular band of rascals together and ta’ fuck with the rest of them. :pint:

200-300 notes @Bandage.