Wedding Etiquette

the worst best man speech I’ve ever heard was given by a Kerry man. He had no comic timing and was as nervous as fuck… the gist of it was, he was calling the fella who was getting married a stone useless cunt telling stories that were best left unsaid, about owing fellas money and stuff like that. By Jesus, it got awkward towards the end of it. I thought the bride was going to get up at one stage and twist the balls clean off him.

I had a chat with him later on in the night and it was apparent that he was just one of those pure awkward Kerry fuckers that probably had no social interaction growing up, except with mountain goats. I think I told him as much too.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966078, member: 273”]I suppose there are some people who are genuine in that respect Mac, but don’t be naive and think all are like that. I absolutely know this has been done and the bitching has got out. I assume other lads have seen similar.

Personally I don’t see why you need to write down how much someone gives you. If you are that way inclined you just give them what they deserve (nothing IMO, but however) and you are better off having no knowledge of what came from where and how much. It’s of little benefit to anyone, you are likely to be disappointed with some people if money and presents are so important to you.[/QUOTE]

You just don’t get it Kev

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966078, member: 273”]I suppose there are some people who are genuine in that respect Mac, but don’t be naive and think all are like that. I absolutely know this has been done and the bitching has got out. I assume other lads have seen similar.

Personally I don’t see why you need to write down how much someone gives you. If you are that way inclined you just give them what they deserve (nothing IMO, but however) and you are better off having no knowledge of what came from where and how much. It’s of little benefit to anyone, you are likely to be disappointed with some people if money and presents are so important to you.[/QUOTE]

If you don’t keep a record and then send a “thank you for your gift” card to some cunt who gave you nothing, you might be creating another problem for yourself.

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 966081, member: 2695”]the worst best man speech I’ve ever heard was given by a Kerry man. He had no comic timing and was as nervous as fuck… the gist of it was, he was calling the fella who was getting married a stone useless cunt telling stories that were best left unsaid, about owing fellas money and stuff like that. By Jesus, it got awkward towards the end of it. I thought the bride was going to get up at one stage and twist the balls clean off him.

I had a chat with him later on in the night and it was apparent that he was just one of those pure awkward Kerry fuckers that probably had no social interaction growing up, except with mountain goats. I think I told him as much too.[/QUOTE]

I was at a wedding and in his speech the best man kept going on about the size of the groom’s flute!.. he’d try tell a different story but then would just revert back to the groom’s supposed massive cock…we counted, he mentioned it 8 times …he’d start a story, get no reaction from the guests and then end it with be ’ by the way if there is a fire here tonight no need to call the fire brigade as the lad beside me has a bigger hose’…it was funny at first but by the end everyone was just getting embarrassed … especially the bride’s family…cringe…


Didn’t realise you were at my wedding pal


[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 965815, member: 367”]just out of interest fenway, did ye get dolled up in the suit , etc?,
i found the crew in the civil marriage office there in Cork to be sound, really decent folk , we needed herself’s birth cert translated from Arabic and apostille stamped but that was about it, they even had the dept, of foreign affairs help us with Morocco… it was gas tho she was telling us stories about couples who come in there and they dont speak a common language, eg a latvian girl marrying a old pakistani gentleman, there is nothing they can do to stop it, they were suspicious enough of me too at the beginning id say, they did a great job in the hotel as well at the cermony… no problems, huge problems registering the marriage in israel tho ,[/QUOTE]
No suits, no rings, no speeches, no complications.

i wasn’t…he was talking about the dick in his pants not the one growing out of his head…ahhooyy…

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 965815, member: 367”]just out of interest fenway, did ye get dolled up in the suit , etc?,
i found the crew in the civil marriage office there in Cork to be sound, really decent folk , we needed herself’s birth cert translated from Arabic and apostille stamped but that was about it, they even had the dept, of foreign affairs help us with Morocco… it was gas tho she was telling us stories about couples who come in there and they dont speak a common language, eg a latvian girl marrying a old pakistani gentleman, there is nothing they can do to stop it, they were suspicious enough of me too at the beginning id say, they did a great job in the hotel as well at the cermony… no problems, huge problems registering the marriage in israel tho ,[/QUOTE]

i can only imagine…Mustafa been a nightmare pal…

What would that be?

Why write thank you cards? It’s all a sham. This is wedding planners and the likes selling this shit to the women and the guilt trip being paid or the keeping up with the jones syndrome kicking in.

Thank anyone sincerly at the wedding. End of fucking story.
Ya are worse than the fucking yanks.

Weddings are about celebrating with your friends and family, nothing else. It’s just a great big whoolie for all the people you care about. It’s then about going and having drinks an chats with combos of people that may never again be in a room together. It’s about having a laugh.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966137, member: 273”]What would that be?

Why write thank you cards? It’s all a sham. This is wedding planners and the likes selling this shit to the women and the guilt trip being paid or the keeping up with the jones syndrome kicking in.

Thank anyone sincerly at the wedding. End of fucking story.
Ya are worse than the fucking yanks.

Weddings are about celebrating with your friends and family, nothing else. It’s just a great big whoolie for all the people you care about. It’s then about going and having drinks an chats with combos of people that may never again be in a room together. It’s about having a laugh.[/QUOTE]

Christ almighty is there an ounce of common courtesy in you at all?

I suppose you probably wouldn’t be bothered with wedding invites either. Easier to just send a message around to the WhatsApp group.


Kev must be queer, he terribly anti marriage.

he tries too hard to be bohemian, to the point where anything traditionally Irish is boggish. He probably travelled around on his “gap year” and is now one of those cunts who thinks he is better than everyone else because he got the shits in Vietnam

The second last wedding I was at, the mother of the groom walked out during the best man’s speech. He was shitfaced and revealing far too much. It was painful to watch but quite funny for me as I didn’t really know him or the mother.

Would you fuck off with your thank you cards.

Oh we have to follow the same procedure as everyone else. Maybe even get the same design on them as was on the menus for the meal. I have even seen people comparing the quality of paper in the thank you cards to the ones they had, attempting to suss out if they had paid more or less.

And who are the thank you cards going to? A pile of people who you couldn’t give a fuck about only to keep them happy. Yes you were invited to my wedding for some reason, you gave us a present fine, why should I have to send you a fucking card thanking you for it.

I swear most people who send Thank You cards still rate Definitely Maybe as the best album or all time and don’t rate Radiohead afer the Bends.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966144, member: 24”]
And who are the thank you cards going to? A pile of people who you couldn’t give a fuck about only to keep them happy. Yes you were invited to my wedding for some reason, you gave us a present fine, why should I have to send you a fucking card thanking you for it.[/QUOTE]

+1 Mate

Women have a fierce habit of getting caught up in this sort of crack… Thank you cards, wedding invites, christening cards, kids birthday invites, fathers day cards, mothers day cards, valentines cards, sympathy card, good luck cards, hard luck cards, get well soon cards… etc…

What a wagon of shit and a complete waste of hard earned cash.

Its all that’s keeping the Postal service going at this stage.


I think the point of sending people thank you cards is to thank them for their presence not their presents. If you have a poor student friend away on Erasmus who makes an effort to make it to your wedding, then it’s nice to acknowledge this.
A wedding should be a celebration with your friends, relations, neighbours, people your mother has to give an invite-back to, etc. so sending thank you cards is just thanking these people for deeming your event important enough to attend. [Especially since you know some of them (your friend’s new boyfriend) are there only under threat ]