Wedding Etiquette

I thought in these situations one person did the majority of the hammering? Nice to see you got your turn.

Actually, on the subject of Polish weddings, I heard recently of a new practice whereby the wedding video is extended to include filming the wedding night ride. Or that an extra film is made. Do they do this in Ireland now?

Travelers have been doing this for years, just watching in person I believe

Only in Tipp and parts of West Cork

@Thrawneen could do worse than get a stand at a few wedding fairs and tout for some of this business.

what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]
Jealousy pal.

Ffs. They’ve shared a lifetime together and he has asked Bandage to be part of his wedding party on the biggest day of his life and you are advocating that Bandage gives him what he’d spend on t-shirts on a trip into town? I will have to seriously reconsider asking you to be one of my groomsmen.

the real story is the story behind the story…this guy clearly dropped @Bandage and Saturdays in the 51 listening to his muck talk for something better … I can see why Poundage doesn’t want to give him too much… its a Winnie the Pooh being left by Christopher Robin type situation…

Christopher Robin left Winnie the Pooh ?!?! :mad:

A fantastic day and night was had by all by all accounts.

@Appendage got a flat tyre on the way to the ceremony however.

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]

thinly veiled “im proud i went to maurituis on my honeymoon”

So this wedding was on a Thursday? FFS.
Give them €20 worth of scratch cards and a tin of roses.

A fantastic day and night was had by all by all accounts.

@Appendage got a flat tyre on the way to the ceremony however.

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 966848, member: 6”]A fantastic day and night was had by all by all accounts.

@Appendage got a flat tyre on the way to the ceremony however.[/QUOTE]

That’s great to hear, couldn’t have happened to a nicer poster

I’m available any weekend bud, being a high flyer I will more than pay my way. Plus, I can arrange green.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 966846, member: 1786”]So this wedding was on a Thursday? FFS.
Give them €20 worth of scratch cards and a tin of roses.[/QUOTE]
Fucking peasants, I bet they didnt even have a honeymoon either.

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 966731, member: 367”]@Esteban de la Sexface is making an utter show of himself in this thread , very poor debut on TFK.
@caoimhaoin did some very good WUM work but is overdoing it now and the joke has gone a bit stale[/QUOTE]

If I’m still here in a couple of months I’ll know I’ve made it if I randomly pick up on newcomers posts and contribute absolutely nothing to the board, except to snipe away like an auld doll, like your good self. We all need something to aim for.

Go for it pal. Give it your best shot.

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]

Surprisingly poor post by @Gman

Many of the married posters on here have said that they went along with the traditional wedding because they wouldn’t have had any hope of getting their way if they had protested otherwise. There is no indication that they actually wanted to do the popular stuff just that it was imposed upon them.

I see this as a debate, just as much as a debate about football or lovely ladies. I am not upset by it, I am merely debating it.

This whole ‘those who aren’t married’ and 'come back to me when you get married and have kids (whatever the fuck that has to do with anything) adopted by @Gman[/USER] and [USER=193]@balbec really grates my balls. At least Gman attempts to explain his points while balbec just throws out the dismissive one liners. I am not a conventionalist and I often look at the lack of the originality and sheer mundaneness of the wedding occassion before and after. Now some people may be happy with being mundane but naturally I cannot understand that. The two lads will probably point to the fact that ‘well you were never married’ but I am in a relationship and I would look upon the decision as to what to do about a wedding just like any other in a relationsip - compromise. I would have hoped that she would not be mundane as why would I being getting married to her then?

I just want to reiterate that this is purely a debate I am engaged in and no other conclusions should be reached.