Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966939, member: 24”]Surprisingly poor post by @Gman

Many of the married posters on here have said that they went along with the traditional wedding because they wouldn’t have had any hope of getting their way if they had protested otherwise. There is no indication that they actually wanted to do the popular stuff just that it was imposed upon them.

I see this as a debate, just as much as a debate about football or lovely ladies. I am not upset by it, I am merely debating it.

This whole ‘those who aren’t married’ and 'come back to me when you get married and have kids (whatever the fuck that has to do with anything) adopted by @Gman[/USER] and [USER=193]@balbec really grates my balls. At least Gman attempts to explain his points while balbec just throws out the dismissive one liners. I am not a conventionalist and I often look at the lack of the originality and sheer mundaneness of the wedding occassion before and after. Now some people may be happy with being mundane but naturally I cannot understand that. The two lads will probably point to the fact that ‘well you were never married’ but I am in a relationship and I would look upon the decision as to what to do about a wedding just like any other in a relationsip - compromise. I would have hoped that she would not be mundane as why would I being getting married to her then?

I just want to reiterate that this is purely a debate I am engaged in and no other conclusions should be reached.[/QUOTE]

I hope your wedding is less mundane than that post

Did you run that by your missus before you posted it?

It was her who posted it

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966939, member: 24”]Surprisingly poor post by @Gman

Many of the married posters on here have said that they went along with the traditional wedding because they wouldn’t have had any hope of getting their way if they had protested otherwise. There is no indication that they actually wanted to do the popular stuff just that it was imposed upon them.

I see this as a debate, just as much as a debate about football or lovely ladies. I am not upset by it, I am merely debating it.

This whole ‘those who aren’t married’ and 'come back to me when you get married and have kids (whatever the fuck that has to do with anything) adopted by @Gman[/USER] and [USER=193]@balbec really grates my balls. At least Gman attempts to explain his points while balbec just throws out the dismissive one liners. I am not a conventionalist and I often look at the lack of the originality and sheer mundaneness of the wedding occassion before and after. Now some people may be happy with being mundane but naturally I cannot understand that. The two lads will probably point to the fact that ‘well you were never married’ but I am in a relationship and I would look upon the decision as to what to do about a wedding just like any other in a relationsip - compromise. I would have hoped that she would not be mundane as why would I being getting married to her then?

I just want to reiterate that this is purely a debate I am engaged in and no other conclusions should be reached.[/QUOTE]

are you gay?

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]
Firstly I believe a lot of the shit, the bells and whistles, is pure and utter unscrupulous marketing over a long period of time aimed at people’s emotions. Especially aimed at women and selling them shit they don’t need. And selling this thru the catch all "“happiest day of your life”.
The last 10 years it has become a circus and wedding planners and all this shit telling emotional women what they “have to have”. It also become a competition between women and sometimes even men, friends FFS.

Secondly, any of us not married is completely irrelevant. We have eyes and ears, we can observe as well.
You don’t play AFL or hurling for Wexfotd, does that mean you cannot have a view on those either?

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966939, member: 24”]Surprisingly poor post by @Gman

Many of the married posters on here have said that they went along with the traditional wedding because they wouldn’t have had any hope of getting their way if they had protested otherwise. There is no indication that they actually wanted to do the popular stuff just that it was imposed upon them.

I see this as a debate, just as much as a debate about football or lovely ladies. I am not upset by it, I am merely debating it.

This whole ‘those who aren’t married’ and 'come back to me when you get married and have kids (whatever the fuck that has to do with anything) adopted by @Gman[/USER] and [USER=193]@balbec really grates my balls. At least Gman attempts to explain his points while balbec just throws out the dismissive one liners. I am not a conventionalist and I often look at the lack of the originality and sheer mundaneness of the wedding occassion before and after. Now some people may be happy with being mundane but naturally I cannot understand that. The two lads will probably point to the fact that ‘well you were never married’ but I am in a relationship and I would look upon the decision as to what to do about a wedding just like any other in a relationsip - compromise. I would have hoped that she would not be mundane as why would I being getting married to her then?

I just want to reiterate that this is purely a debate I am engaged in and no other conclusions should be reached.[/QUOTE]
Farmer, will you ever fuck off with the serious debate. That kind of shit will fuck this place right up, it has no business on TFK.

Marketing aiming at people’s emotions shock horror. :smiley:

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966959, member: 273”]Firstly I believe a lot of the shit, the bells and whistles, is pure and utter unscrupulous marketing over a long period of time aimed at people’s emotions. Especially aimed at women and selling them shit they don’t need. And selling this thru the catch all "“happiest day of your life”.
The last 10 years it has become a circus and wedding planners and all this shit telling emotional women what they “have to have”. It also become a competition between women and sometimes even men, friends FFS.

Secondly, any of us not married is completely irrelevant. We have eyes and ears, we can observe as well.
You don’t play AFL or hurling for Wexfotd, does that mean you cannot have a view on those either?[/QUOTE]

What you’re missing is the fact that 90% of women, your other half not included admittedly, have been planning their wedding day since they were able to read whereas the rest of us have been planning on scoing the winning goal in the All-Ireland or World Cup Final.

And god help that bitch if she messes up my All-Ireland final celebration.

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]

what I find funny is how you dismiss anyone who doesn’t agree with you as being annoyed…also what I find funny is you are the first married person who actually referred to the wedding as the biggest day of ’ their lives 'as opposed to ‘her life’…which actually backs up @farmerinthecity 's point…

“Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married)”… you say that like its a big deal to find a girl who wants to get married… :slight_smile:

Bitches be crazy and fellas be lazy

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 966801, member: 112”]what I find funny about the way the thread has gone, is that lads (who arent married) get annoyed because people are doing weddings by what is seen as a conventional way with whatever trimmings come with it, and they think that they should be doing it their own way because you should do what you want. yet they are doing what they want, yet they think they are wrong. Is this not completely hypocritical? You are bleating on about how you will do your weddings so originally and that it should be your decision, but did you ever think that some people do the other popular stuff because they actually want to?

Why does it upset those (and again, those who arent married) so much about how people want to spend the biggest day of their lives? Just because they dont do it they way you think you would do it if you get the chance?[/QUOTE]
Of course the main original point, which I forgot, is the expantancy of cash or presents for turning up to a wedding. That’s what I really abhor. The point was people are spending outlandish money on a wedding and expecting the guests to cover some, sometimes all, an sometimes make a profit.
I have a fucking huge problem with that and you don’t have to be married to recognize it.

Kev, couples don’t ask for actual sums of money. That is up to the guest. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Or anyone who disagrees with you, whichever is easiest.

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 966843, member: 6”]A fantastic day and night was had by all by all accounts.

@Appendage got a flat tyre on the way to the ceremony however.[/QUOTE]
Cost of replacement taken out of the card as agreed with the groom.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966981, member: 273”]Of course the main original point, which I forgot, is the expantancy of cash or presents for turning up to a wedding. That’s what I really abhor. The point was people are spending outlandish money on a wedding and expecting the guests to cover some, sometimes all, an sometimes make a profit.
I have a fucking huge problem with that and you don’t have to be married to recognize it.[/QUOTE]

Would it make it easier for you if the profits were taxable?

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 966971, member: 306”]What you’re missing is the fact that 90% of women, your other half not included admittedly, have been planning their wedding day since they were able to read whereas the rest of us have been planning on scoing the winning goal in the All-Ireland or World Cup Final.

And god help that bitch if she messes up my All-Ireland final celebration.[/QUOTE]
You are right to a degree, but it is embellished by bullshit along the way. You seem to be mistakeingly thinking I don’t want a girl to get married or that I don’t agree with it or whatever.

It has fuck all to do with the wedding extras for women when they are young, teenagers etc. they crave security, and the wedding day is the key to that kingdom. That’s the emotion, that’s what even the simple less materialistic women want. They still want a wedding, they still want to be happy and have a great day, they just didn’t fall for the hollywood shit.

That’s my kinda women.

It’s hardly surprising you are one of these cunts.
@Gman[/USER] & [USER=100]@Pikeman- you were had.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966993, member: 273”]It’s hardly surprising you are one of these cunts.
@Gman[/USER] & [USER=100]@Pikeman- you were had.[/QUOTE]

I took the generous presents the lads gave me and donated them to charity. Only those 2 though. The rest of the profits from the day went into my back pocket.

I’d give them cash unless wedding list or some shit.

Is 50K to 100K deemed to be a lot for a 2 income house?

Depends on the area and cost of living I suppose. In Dublin its fuckall.