Wedding Etiquette

That’s what I’d have thought anyway. Maybe its a lot in the “bush” where you make your own grog.

and from there straight to the bookies satchel…

Where do you get these houses that earn income? I want in.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966990, member: 273”]You are right to a degree, but it is embellished by bullshit along the way. You seem to be mistakeingly thinking I don’t want a girl to get married or that I don’t agree with it or whatever.

It has fuck all to do with the wedding extras for women when they are young, teenagers etc. they crave security, and the wedding day is the key to that kingdom. That’s the emotion, that’s what even the simple less materialistic women want. They still want a wedding, they still want to be happy and have a great day, they just didn’t fall for the hollywood shit.

That’s my kinda women.[/QUOTE]

Here you’re speculating on what you THINK women crave so stop speaking as if you’re the definitive proven authority on the subject and you’ll start sounding like less of a jackass.

Depends where you live and work.

hold. I wasn’t finished.

You’d have to know women to know what they crave.

Need something for a float alright

hold up pal…Kev is top jockey round here…a master swordsman…his house is an undoubted polling station…

Surprised at the amount of men on here who would actually want a say about the wedding day itself.


Think they’re afraid of being seen are ruled by the “old ball and chain”*

  • I believe thats how renowned Lothario Kevin put it about 2 dozen pages back.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 967018, member: 180”]Think they’re afraid of being seen are ruled by the “old ball and chain”*

  • I believe thats how renowned Lothario Kevin put it about 2 dozen pages back.[/QUOTE]

I see, surely it’s much worse to be seen as actively and willingly wanting to partake in wedding planning than to be subservient to your wife or wife to be?

Marketing aiming at people’s emotions shock horror. :D[/QUOTE]

The Farmers Journal fucked with my emotions last week and I went out and bought a dehorning crate.

Marketing aiming at people’s emotions shock horror. :D[/QUOTE]
Thus most people are idiots.

Just clarify, what Kev is saying here is, that he is not most people. Unlike you. You, are most people. You are weak. Kev is powerful. And handsome.

The same Kev who wanted to buy a leaflet company which would have facilitated marketing at peoples emotions?

The greyhound set on here tried to throw him a bit of business and he threw it back in their faces

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966990, member: 273”]You are right to a degree, but it is embellished by bullshit along the way. You seem to be mistakeingly thinking I don’t want a girl to get married or that I don’t agree with it or whatever.

It has fuck all to do with the wedding extras for women when they are young, teenagers etc. they crave security, and the wedding day is the key to that kingdom. That’s the emotion, that’s what even the simple less materialistic women want. They still want a wedding, they still want to be happy and have a great day, they just didn’t fall for the hollywood shit.

That’s my kinda women.[/QUOTE]

That’s why you had to go to other side of the world for one

I’d rather spend a couple of years doing that than a life of misery under the thumb.
You are really badly rattled by this.