Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

We all have insecurities fella, it’s part of being human. What do you think you have exposed?

You tried to use a part of my life to embarrass me or belittle me but all it has done is exposed yourself and your low level of emotional intelligence.
Not all adopted people are the same.

Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people. I believe that part of me is based around being adopted and being told very young. So from a young age my parents thought me openness and honesty. You don’t get that with all parents. It allows me to talk to anyone and meet all sorts of people.
It would of course shape some insecurities as well. But you manage them as you mature.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]

post of the year

Why? There is none. I’m a far deeper, more educated, more intelligent, more open accepting person than him, and you.
But do carry on making a fool of yourself.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

We all have insecurities fella, it’s part of being human. What do you think you have exposed?

You tried to use a part of my life to embarrass me or belittle me but all it has done is exposed yourself and your low level of emotional intelligence.
Not all adopted people are the same.

Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people. I believe that part of me is based around being adopted and being told very young. So from a young age my parents thought me openness and honesty. You don’t get that with all parents. It allows me to talk to anyone and meet all sorts of people.
It would of course shape some insecurities as well. But you manage them as you mature.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]

Defence (weak) mechanism kicks in.

I ask a simple question and you imply I mean something else and assume I’m trying to embarrass you - you’re quite a weird creature to be honest.

You’re incapable of conversation or dialogue without having to trade personal insults when you’re losing the conversation. It’s quite sad really.

An expert on nothing but full of bluster on everything.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

We all have insecurities fella, it’s part of being human. What do you think you have exposed?

You tried to use a part of my life to embarrass me or belittle me but all it has done is exposed yourself and your low level of emotional intelligence.
Not all adopted people are the same.

Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people. I believe that part of me is based around being adopted and being told very young. So from a young age my parents thought me openness and honesty. You don’t get that with all parents. It allows me to talk to anyone and meet all sorts of people.
It would of course shape some insecurities as well. But you manage them as you mature.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]

Defence (weak) mechanism kicks in.

I ask a simple question and you imply I mean something else and assume I’m trying to embarrass you - you’re quite a weird creature to be honest.

You’re incapable of conversation or dialogue without having to trade personal insults when you’re losing the conversation. It’s quite sad really.

An expert on nothing but full of bluster on everything.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]

“Hot on the heels of Geoffrey Nunberg’s Ascent of the A-Word (2012) comes another discussion of assholes and what to do about them. Actually, that’s a bit too glib: James, a philosophy professor, takes a slightly different approach than Nunberg. Where Nunberg focused on the history of assholism (with side trips into such subjects as the difficulties in writing about assholes without censorship), James proposes a theory of assholes (a person is an asshole when his sense of entitlement makes him immune to complaints from other people) that explains not only why assholes are a vital part of human society, but also how to recognize them and coexist with them. The author addresses some fundamental questions—such as whether assholes are born or made, a sort of nature-versus-nurture debate for the asshole crowd—and rigorously avoids what must have been a strong temptation to go for the cheap laugh (although it must be pointed out that this is definitely a lighter book than Nunberg’s more academic study). --David Pitt”

The highlighted section of the review ring any bells Kev…

boxty, I expect to see you at DBs afters

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 967414, member: 246”]“Hot on the heels of Geoffrey Nunberg’s Ascent of the A-Word (2012) comes another discussion of assholes and what to do about them. Actually, that’s a bit too glib: James, a philosophy professor, takes a slightly different approach than Nunberg. Where Nunberg focused on the history of assholism (with side trips into such subjects as the difficulties in writing about assholes without censorship), James proposes a theory of assholes (a person is an asshole when his sense of entitlement makes him immune to complaints from other people) that explains not only why assholes are a vital part of human society, but also how to recognize them and coexist with them. The author addresses some fundamental questions—such as whether assholes are born or made, a sort of nature-versus-nurture debate for the asshole crowd—and rigorously avoids what must have been a strong temptation to go for the cheap laugh (although it must be pointed out that this is definitely a lighter book than Nunberg’s more academic study). --David Pitt”

The highlighted section of the review ring any bells Kev…[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 967414, member: 246”]“Hot on the heels of Geoffrey Nunberg’s Ascent of the A-Word (2012) comes another discussion of assholes and what to do about them. Actually, that’s a bit too glib: James, a philosophy professor, takes a slightly different approach than Nunberg. Where Nunberg focused on the history of assholism (with side trips into such subjects as the difficulties in writing about assholes without censorship), James proposes a theory of assholes (a person is an asshole when his sense of entitlement makes him immune to complaints from other people) that explains not only why assholes are a vital part of human society, but also how to recognize them and coexist with them. The author addresses some fundamental questions—such as whether assholes are born or made, a sort of nature-versus-nurture debate for the asshole crowd—and rigorously avoids what must have been a strong temptation to go for the cheap laugh (although it must be pointed out that this is definitely a lighter book than Nunberg’s more academic study). --David Pitt”

The highlighted section of the review ring any bells Kev…[/QUOTE]
Yes, it was in the book.

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 967413, member: 109”]Defence (weak) mechanism kicks in.

I ask a simple question and you imply I mean something else and assume I’m trying to embarrass you - you’re quite a weird creature to be honest.

You’re incapable of conversation or dialogue without having to trade personal insults when you’re losing the conversation. It’s quite sad really.

An expert on nothing but full of bluster on everything.[/QUOTE]
And all your adopted friends are the same?
It was not a simple question. It was a totally unrelated question because of something I made you uncomfortable about and you had to justify yourself to yourself by trying to belittle me because you think, in your own little weird way, that belittling me will make you feel better and justify (in this case) your greed and the fact that you are a weak person and possibly lost some argument about your own wedding with one or both sides of parents.

All you have done is expose yourself as a child, and I have no doubt most of the forum, some already, will see your post as a bitter twisted logic and completely irrelevant to the conversation.

No doubt you are one of the types that tried to exclude or bully people who were anyway different when young. You’re lucky you didn’t go to my school, cos I dealt with that when young with a box in the nose. It got me great respect.

Given the thread we’re currently embroiled in, I’m fucking disgusted I didn’t get an invite for the full day. I have no regard for “half-weddings” so hence won’t be attending as a mark of protest. Good to see you back on the oul’ sod, at least you brought a bit if weather with you. Enjoy the day…

Arrogant. Think your too good for the afters. Not accepting someone’s invitation. Not accepting you are part of their lives, but not an integral part.
Asshole I’d say.

I think you may have misconstrued NCC’s comment Kev. I’ve never met anyone from this or any other forum - it’s dangerous to meet your heroes.
I wouldn’t know TDB from Bayan were they outside the door. But I’m vexed I wasn’t asked just the same…

Carry on enlightening us.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 967427, member: 246”]I think you may have misconstrued NCC’s comment Kev. I’ve never met anyone from this or any other forum - it’s dangerous to meet your heroes.
I wouldn’t know TDB from Bayan were they outside the door. But I’m vexed I wasn’t asked just the same…

Carry on enlightening us.[/QUOTE]
I didn’t mis-constructe anything. You said " I have no regard for “half-weddings” so hence won’t be attending as a mark of protest"

Correct me if I mis-constructed that for arrogance and hypocrisy. :rolleyes:

For someone so sociable open and outgoing kev you’re spending an awful lot of time on here talking shite to strangers on the internet. Have you no mates to impress with your deep thoughts! Entertaining thread in fairness but really “fella” if your not wumming get a life. Out of curiousity what does your missus think of all the time you spend on here. For the love of god dont show her your posts on here. if she has an ounce of sense shed run a mile if you did.

No, i have virtually no friends in Oz, 3-4 max. I don’t have time for them, most males can only handle 3-4 things in their lives. I have a relationship, the dog, coaching & study, i’m already stretched. I’m fucked if i want to have a load of new friends when i’m going home to good ones.My main interaction is with the football team, but as coach its boardline friendships. I have many acquaintances
I’m mostly on here in between studying or when she is working or half watching tv or whatever. Its not very hard to grasp, thats what most of the rest of the opinionated weirdos do here as well, cos thats what we are.
My views are my own, and she would be well aware of most. And seeing as she wants to come to my home land with me i think it shows i’ll be ok.

Don’t be scared of people who are different or look at things differently, thats what creates racism and xenophobia.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

We all have insecurities fella, it’s part of being human. What do you think you have exposed?

You tried to use a part of my life to embarrass me or belittle me but all it has done is exposed yourself and your low level of emotional intelligence.
Not all adopted people are the same.

Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people. I believe that part of me is based around being adopted and being told very young. So from a young age my parents thought me openness and honesty. You don’t get that with all parents. It allows me to talk to anyone and meet all sorts of people.
It would of course shape some insecurities as well. But you manage them as you mature.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]
Kev those are traits a lot of people have whether adopted or not, I can’t really see what’s making you special in this instance.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967449, member: 273”]
Don’t be scared of people who are different or look at things differently, thats what creates racism and xenophobia.[/QUOTE]

So why do you always feel the need to ram your opinions down our throats??

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967449, member: 273”]

Don’t be scared of people who are different or look at things differently, thats what creates racism and xenophobia.[/QUOTE]

The hypocrisy in that last sentence is outrageous. You do realise the series of mental meltdowns you undergo on here when someone challenges your lazy stereotypes (usually overwhelmingly racist) and illogical viewpoints that contradict each other. You are completely intolerant of other people’s opinions and beliefs and lose the plot when they can articulate them in a rational manner which you usually fail to do. I also notice your last foray into labeling people as hypocrites, this isn’t really followed up with any relevant examples, you are the king of hypocrisy and contradictions around here - nobody else comes remotely close.

I also find it funny how you can speak about what a strong, principled mentality you have and how you have stood up for yourself against bullies. Your posting style is that of a classic bully, you turn really vindictive and nasty when someone shows you up for being a bullshitter and I’d imagine there is little doubt in the majority of people on here than to take anything you say with a pinch of salt. You usually revert to sneering an insulting psychoanalysis about how people are weak, sad and immature in a debate with someone and it comes out of nowhere when you are being beaten in an argument. The bottom line is you know nothing about their lives and by your own account of yours in the last post it doesn’t seem to be too prosperous.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 967427, member: 246”]I think you may have misconstrued NCC’s comment Kev. I’ve never met anyone from this or any other forum - it’s dangerous to meet your heroes.
I wouldn’t know TDB from Bayan were they outside the door. But I’m vexed I wasn’t asked just the same…

Carry on enlightening us.[/QUOTE]
The DB would be the one with the long face boxty.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 967465, member: 2533”]The hypocrisy in that last sentence is outrageous. You do realise the series of mental meltdowns you undergo on here when someone challenges your lazy stereotypes (usually overwhelmingly racist) and illogical viewpoints that contradict each other. You are completely intolerant of other people’s opinions and beliefs and lose the plot when they can articulate them in a rational manner which you usually fail to do. I also notice your last foray into labeling people as hypocrites, this isn’t really followed up with any relevant examples, you are the king of hypocrisy and contradictions around here - nobody else comes remotely close.

I also find it funny how you can speak about what a strong, principled mentality you have and how you have stood up for yourself against bullies. Your posting style is that of a classic bully, you turn really vindictive and nasty when someone shows you up for being a bullshitter and I’d imagine there is little doubt in the majority of people on here than to take anything you say with a pinch of salt. You usually revert to sneering an insulting psychoanalysis about how people are weak, sad, immature and in a debate with someone and it comes out of nowhere when you are being beaten in an argument. The bottom line is you know nothing about their lives and by your own accounts of yours in the last post it doesn’t seem to be too prosperous.[/QUOTE]
Imagine him coaching you to play football.