Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967449, member: 273”]. I have a relationship, the dog, coaching & study,
I’m mostly on here .[/QUOTE]

You pulled on my heart strings with all the adoption shit but your surmising is all bullshit, you’re the worst thing about this forum, not intelligent, not insightful, just a boring opinionated cork cunt. I wish you were aborted.

Of course. But he was questioning the parenting and suggesting I couldn’t have a regular and/or good relationship with my parents.
However, and this is beyond reproach by me or you and is back by a lot of study, adopted kids do tend to have certain qualities others wouldn’t be as strong with. Of course that goes the other way as well.
With kids who are not told they have a much harder time sometimes and it can lead to lifelong trust issues if they find out later.

Again though, as is typical of this site and a lot of posters, you only read a post and lose it’s context and the storyline behind it.

Another one. :rolleyes:
You are very cranky these days.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 967465, member: 2533”]The hypocrisy in that last sentence is outrageous. You do realise the series of mental meltdowns you undergo on here when someone challenges your lazy stereotypes (usually overwhelmingly racist) and illogical viewpoints that contradict each other. You are completely intolerant of other people’s opinions and beliefs and lose the plot when they can articulate them in a rational manner which you usually fail to do. I also notice your last foray into labeling people as hypocrites, this isn’t really followed up with any relevant examples, you are the king of hypocrisy and contradictions around here - nobody else comes remotely close.

I also find it funny how you can speak about what a strong, principled mentality you have and how you have stood up for yourself against bullies. Your posting style is that of a classic bully, you turn really vindictive and nasty when someone shows you up for being a bullshitter and I’d imagine there is little doubt in the majority of people on here than to take anything you say with a pinch of salt. You usually revert to sneering an insulting psychoanalysis about how people are weak, sad and immature in a debate with someone and it comes out of nowhere when you are being beaten in an argument. The bottom line is you know nothing about their lives and by your own account of yours in the last post it doesn’t seem to be too prosperous.[/QUOTE]
What is your understanding of prosperous?

You have some serious issues fella. It’s great that I wind you up so much.

Someone please shout stop!

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967477, member: 273”]Of course. But he was questioning the parenting and suggesting I couldn’t have a regular and/or good relationship with my parents.
However, and this is beyond reproach by me or you and is back by a lot of study, adopted kids do tend to have certain qualities others wouldn’t be as strong with. Of course that goes the other way as well.
With kids who are not told they have a much harder time sometimes and it can lead to lifelong trust issues if they find out later.

Again though, as is typical of this site and a lot of posters, you only read a post and lose it’s context and the storyline behind it.[/QUOTE]

I didn’t question any parenting. I asked a simple question and you jumped straight into all singing all dancing Kev mode.

I’m sure the upbringing you had is partly responsible for you being the complete clown that you are but I don’t feel the need to ram that down your throat with every post like you seem to enjoy doing.

And by the way, I had a smashing wedding day.

This thread is everything that’s wrong with weddings. People who love each other turning against each other over stupid little things like invitations and thank you cards.

Live and let live. Life is a lot easier if you blank shit out.

Won’t someone think of the children! The children!!

Go outside for a walk.

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 967483, member: 109”]I didn’t question any parenting. I asked a simple question and you jumped straight into all singing all dancing Kev mode.

I’m sure the upbringing you had is partly responsible for you being the complete clown that you are but I don’t feel the need to ram that down your throat with every post like you seem to enjoy doing.

And by the way, I had a smashing wedding day.[/QUOTE]
Ya, but from what I heard you are married to a cunt.

I’ve been out already with dogs & daughter.

She decided to accompany me as she’s trying to plamas me over something.

The dogs didn’t look convinced and I’m as yet undecided.

[QUOTE=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 967490, member: 1624”]I’ve been out already with dogs & daughter.

She decided to accompany me as she’s trying to plamas me over something.

The dogs didn’t look convinced and I’m as yet undecided.[/QUOTE]

Did you not tell her to ask her mother or were you the second port of call ?

Something that is fulfilling and living in a society you despise where one of your closest companions is a dog is not my ideal of living a fulfilled life.

You are being a hypocrite again. Absolutely everything you accuse others of you do exactly the same.
If you don’t appreciate the value of a good dog then you are deprived.

Dodgy parenting i’d say.

You are being a hypocrite again. Absolutely everything you accuse others of you do exactly the same.
If you don’t appreciate the value of a good dog then you are deprived.

Dodgy parenting i’d say.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967515, member: 273”]You are being a hypocrite again. Absolutely everything you accuse others of you do exactly the same.
If you don’t appreciate the value of a good dog then you are deprived.

Dodgy parenting i’d say.[/QUOTE]

Alright Dr. Dolittle - show me how I’m being a hypocrite by pointing out your contradictions.

You are being a hypocrite again. Absolutely everything you accuse others of you do exactly the same.
If you don’t appreciate the value of a good dog then you are deprived.

Dodgy parenting i’d say.

Kevin, being the biggest hypocrite on the board will you please show me where the hypocrisy was in my post? You’re big enough to sling the mud but you’re not very good at rationalising it.

reading someone based on their postings, someone you don’t know personally. when i do it its a big no-no, but you are perfectly comfortable with it yourself. Thats one example of many.

grow up.