Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967529, member: 273”]reading someone based on their postings, someone you don’t know personally. when i do it its a big no-no, but you are perfectly comfortable with it yourself. Thats one example of many.

grow up.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, I am highlighting the hypocrisy of a guy who goes down the route of making assertions of people’s lives and their personality without knowing anything about them or their lives. A lot of people on here don’t divulge much information about their actual lives, they come on here to discuss topical matters and have a bit of a laugh, you on the other hand are the supreme human being and anyone who disagrees with you is a weak person who doesn’t understand and lives a sad life. I think what you’ve divulged on here shows that you should be the last person telling people their lives are sad or they are weak people. Your basic lack of intelligence or comprehension saw that go completely over your head.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967477, member: 273”]Of course. But he was questioning the parenting and suggesting I couldn’t have a regular and/or good relationship with my parents.
However, and this is beyond reproach by me or you and is back by a lot of study, adopted kids do tend to have certain qualities others wouldn’t be as strong with. [/QUOTE]
Adoptive children tend to be better at going backpacking for extended periods compared to children brought up by their natural parents.

So that’s what you’re reduced to? Its a level above a ‘your ma’ joke I guess.


Btw - I do think people are weak, a great majority of people in modern society are very weak.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967547, member: 273”]zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

Btw - I do think people are weak, a great majority of people in modern society are very weak.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you try and reflect your own inadequacies onto other people as a coping mechanism. Is it not you who is weak?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967397, member: 273”]You are talking they your hole.

We all have insecurities fella, it’s part of being human. What do you think you have exposed?

You tried to use a part of my life to embarrass me or belittle me but all it has done is exposed yourself and your low level of emotional intelligence.
Not all adopted people are the same.

Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people. I believe that part of me is based around being adopted and being told very young. So from a young age my parents thought me openness and honesty. You don’t get that with all parents. It allows me to talk to anyone and meet all sorts of people.
It would of course shape some insecurities as well. But you manage them as you mature.

You’re clearly not there yet. I read a book recently called “Assholes”, a scientific breakdown of what really constitutes an asshole in the modern world. Guess what, you’re in.[/QUOTE]

Who are you trying to convince?
Kev, i couldnt give a fuck about whatever background you have but you’re only codding yourself if you think it shaped you positively based on the vitriol and anger you populate the board with…
my only advice would be to get yourself sorted out before getting married and having kids, you clearly have serious anger management issues, a huge inferiority complex and a massive sense of victimhood. , the above post is a serious cry for help and a reflection of where you are right now, Best of luck pal.

i´m no psychologist but there is something very sad and disturbing about the last few pages of this thread…:frowning:

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 967368, member: 109”]Kev, with respect, you admitted you’re adopted so you questioning someone elses values in relation to their parents is a load of rubbish.

Out of interest, were you adopted as your adopted parents couldn’t conceive a child or did they have other kids that you were reared with as de facto brothers and sisters?[/QUOTE]

jesus mac you’re some odd cunt…

[QUOTE=“Fran, post: 967341, member: 110”]Well done to the Aussies for doing it way better and well done to you for finding it.

You’re like a modern day Marco Polo[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967410, member: 273”]Why? There is none. I’m a far deeper, more educated, more intelligent, more open accepting person than him, and you.
But do carry on making a fool of yourself.[/QUOTE]

a PLC cert in flyer printing from St.John’s college does not constitute an education pal

I couldn’t give a fook really… I’ve told her I don’t want a massive affair and she can have the rest… she was happy out with that… maybe a 100 max and something quirky… too many people make the day about everyone else id rather get locked to beatles tribute band or a good proper session with traditional music and songs and fuck your band and dj lark… get everyone incvolved and shitfaced… fuck flowers,photos,bands,djs,limos etc etc…

Is that a Magazine quote you read somewhere?

In the words of Nathalie Merchant - what’s the matter here?

Up she flew and the cock did flatten her

Absolutely not, I’m just honest, and honest with myself.
It’s clear reading here, watching young people, being around young people at work, football etc that they are all being sold down the swanny by media, marketing, government etc. everyone believes absolutely any shit at all they read or hear. The need to have things and “be in the know” has superceeded basic human needs and qualities.
This wedding lark is a super example of it.
I think people are weak for not asking questions and looking at things objectively. Look at us FFS, we all got done by a few big wigs in Ireland.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967864, member: 273”]Absolutely not, I’m just honest, and honest with myself.
It’s clear reading here, watching young people, being around young people at work, football etc that they are all being sold down the swanny by media, marketing, government etc. everyone believes absolutely any shit at all they read or hear. The need to have things and “be in the know” has superceeded basic human needs and qualities.
This wedding lark is a super example of it.
I think people are weak for not asking questions and looking at things objectively. Look at us FFS, we all got done by a few big wigs in Ireland.[/QUOTE]

You’re not honest with yourself when you bury your head in the sand to the clown you are as a poster. Some basic human needs and qualities would be tolerance, manners and social skills which you have shown you are completely bankrupt on here again and again. Losing the plot and resorting to personal attacks on a someone’s character or ability to give a viewpoint when there is a fairly mild discussion happening on here is a daily occurrence with you. You live in a complex where only you have the answer and anyone who dares to think differently is a bastard. The majority of the time you are wrong as well and you seem incapable of debating matters without getting very personal with people who you haven’t a clue about or dismissing their opinion outright because they wouldn’t know as much as you - this usually highlights a contradiction, eg. telling Sidney yesterday that he wouldn’t know about the GAA because he lives in inner city Dublin (which he corrected you on), all this while you are in Australia.

The problem with you Kevin is the complex you carry around with you. We don’t have to take everything you say as fact, especially when the majority of time it’s horseshit. It’s a discussion board and prepare to have you mad theories scrutinised, you seem extremely uncomfortable with anyone showing the slightest bit of skepticism on anything you post and your immediate reaction is very defensive and personal. You are incapable of seperating the issue from the person as soon as someone picks holes in your argument they become the target in the middle of the crosshairs. You have been shown up to be talking an awful lot of rubbish on here lately, and it’s always the case that the people who disagree with you are arrogant, weak, childish and sad - this always happens after they have dismissed your points with rational and facts and shown your argument to be contradictory and reliant of convenient anecdotal stories. You are not infallible, you are just some backpacker from Cork with a great need to be put on a pedestal above everyone and you’re nowhere near smart enough for that.

Your latest foray of calling other people hypocrites is the latest casual sign of you try to reflect your own inadequacies through other people.


[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 967881, member: 2533”]You’re not honest with yourself when you bury your head in the sand to the clown you are as a poster. Some basic human needs and qualities would be tolerance, manners and social skills which you have shown you are completely bankrupt on here again and again. Losing the plot and resorting to personal attacks on a someone’s character or ability to give a viewpoint when there is a fairly mild discussion happening on here is a daily occurrence with you. You live in a complex where only you have the answer and anyone who dares to think differently is a bastard. The majority of the time you are wrong as well and you seem incapable of debating matters without getting very personal with people who you haven’t a clue about or dismissing their opinion outright because they wouldn’t know as much as you - this usually highlights a contradiction, eg. telling Sidney yesterday that he wouldn’t know about the GAA because he lives in inner city Dublin (which he corrected you on), all this while you are in Australia.

The problem with you Kevin is the complex you carry around with you. We don’t have to take everything you say as fact, especially when the majority of time it’s horseshit. It’s a discussion board and prepare to have you mad theories scrutinised, you seem extremely uncomfortable with anyone showing the slightest bit of skepticism on anything you post and your immediate reaction is very defensive and personal. You are incapable of seperating the issue from the person as soon as someone picks holes in your argument they become the target in the middle of the crosshairs. You have been shown up to be talking an awful lot of rubbish on here lately, and it’s always the case that the people who disagree with you are arrogant, weak, childish and sad - this always happens after they have dismissed your points with rational and facts and shown your argument to be contradictory and reliant of convenient anecdotal stories. You are not infallible, you are just some backpacker from Cork with a great need to be put on a pedestal above everyone and you’re nowhere near smart enough for that.

Your latest foray of calling other people hypocrites is the latest casual sign of you try to reflect your own inadequacies through other people.[/QUOTE]
It deflect. I think you are talking about deflection. You seem to be confused on it, which is not surprising for such a Sesquipedalian.
I’ve said my piece, most decent people will have seen what Mac was saying and how it needed to be addressed or ignored, I addressed it.
My life or views seem to make a lot of people uncomfortable. Not much I can do about that.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967899, member: 273”]V

It deflect. I think you are talking about deflection. You seem to be confused on it, which is not surprising for such a Sesquipedalian.
I’ve said my piece, most decent people will have seen what Mac was saying and how it needed to be addressed or ignored, I addressed it.
My life or views seem to make a lot of people uncomfortable. Not much I can do about that.[/QUOTE]

No. I meant reflect, you try to use other people to mirror your own inadequacies. The allegations you throw out about other people on here about having sad lifes, being arrogant, ignorant, being contradictory and not being qualified to offer opinions etc. are far more in line with you. Is it a repressed awareness of your own inadequacies that prompts you to do this?

yay. internet psychology. a comparison to hitler surely isn’t far off

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 967547, member: 273”]zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

Btw - I do think people are weak, a great majority of people in modern society are very weak.[/QUOTE]

would you consider yourself weak kev?