Wedding Etiquette

Will it be a day full of regret? Do you miss the awkward fumblings?

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 770502, member: 168”]No wonder this country is ruined… A slice of cake and a glass of pop along with a 5 Euro note should be enough for any kid. It’s a retarded fucking tradition, calling around to people’s houses or having a party to collect money… No one gives a fuck about the religious side of it.

You Christians are a fucked up bunch of hypocritical bastards.

Does this carry on go on in other catholic countries?[/quote]

Why anyone would go above 20 at the very most for this shite is beyond me.

No, it’s a male mate, pal. Sure there were days we got pissed together and I could have taken advantage (like our college black tie “Farewell Ball” when he was lying unconscious on the ground on Appian Way and I waited with him while the others fucked off into town) but there was never any fumbling between us.



It was the highlight of my communion day Runt

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 770528, member: 1533”]+1

Why anyone would go above 20 at the very most for this shite is beyond me.[/quote]

The real gift is to spend some time with them and have a laugh. I’ve bought a €20 watch for my niece and I will consent to endless games of hide and go-seek with herself and her two younger sisters on the day back at the house, and she’ll be happier than I if I gave her €200 and fucked off.


Well said, Thraw. Throwing money at them will do nothing for their development… They need telling on who all the good bands are, who and who isn’t a cunt, that Utd are the bad guys, about great Irish heroes and English despotism, a few new bad words, some one to let them taste beer/cider. As an uncle you have to fill in the blanks that their cunt of a mother wont.

Well said, Thraw. Throwing money at them will do nothing for their development… They need telling on who all the good bands are, who and who isn’t a cunt, that Utd are the bad guys, about great Irish heroes and English despotism, a few new bad words, some one to let them taste beer/cider. As an uncle you have to fill in the blanks that their cunt of a mother wont.[/quote]

Me and their mother don’t get on really at all. She lost her edge years ago, so I’ve a fair bit of a job to do. The middle one is showing great promise on the guitar. She has natural rythym. Along with my own son, I intend to hothouse the little fuckers and bring out their natural talents, which will hopefully result in me being able to live off their glories when I’m an old man.
You’ll be pleased to know the three girls are die-hard Liverpool fans, taking after their father.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 770575, member: 129”]Me and their mother don’t get on really at all. She lost her edge years ago, so I’ve a fair bit of a job to do. The middle one is showing great promise on the guitar. She has natural rythym. Along with my own son, I intend to hothouse the little fuckers and bring out their natural talents, which will hopefully result in me being able to live off their glories when I’m an old man.
You’ll be pleased to know the three girls are die-hard Liverpool fans, taking after their father.[/quote]


Mean while, Chewy’s lot will turn out to be ignorant Clare cunts… No change there.

Mean while, Chewy’s lot will turn out to be ignorant Clare cunts… No change there.[/quote]

A black cat will have black puisin’s

Well said, Thraw. Throwing money at them will do nothing for their development… They need telling on who all the good bands are, who and who isn’t a cunt, that Utd are the bad guys, about great Irish heroes and English despotism, a few new bad words, some one to let them taste beer/cider. As an uncle you have to fill in the blanks that their cunt of a mother wont.[/quote]

excellent advice.

Savage stuff Thraw.

I bought a xylophone for my 22 month old daughter yesterday. I figured it was a good start on the music front.

Just printed off the notes for Twinkle Star. I have to start somewhere.

She is obsessed with Ceili music.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 770563, member: 168”]
Well said, Thraw. Throwing money at them will do nothing for their development… They need telling on who all the good bands are, who and who isn’t a cunt, that Utd are the bad guys, about great Irish heroes and English despotism, a few new bad words, some one to let them taste beer/cider. As an uncle you have to fill in the blanks that their cunt of a mother wont.[/quote]

:clap: :clap: :clap:

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 770583, member: 686”]Savage stuff Thraw.

I bought a xylophone for my 22 month old daughter yesterday. I figured it was a good start on the music front.

Just printed off the notes for Twinkle Star. I have to start somewhere.

She is obsessed with Ceili music.[/quote]

Music genius Brian Wilson often includes Row, Row, Row Your Boat in his sets these days, so I’d consider that a decent suggestion also. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is more than adequate though for starting out.

I love that word. A prominent Limerick GAA figure used to carry around a couple of puisíns in his pockets and take them to bed with him when he was a young lad, so my father tells me.

I have 5 puisins out in the back shed.
Do you want one?

[quote=“The Runt, post: 770650, member: 181”]I have 5 puisins out in the back shed.
Do you want one?[/quote]

Herself has one and looking after him for a weekend whenever she goes to visit her parents is enough for me., but I thank you for the offer.

They’ll have to ask me on that.

[quote="ChocolateMice, post: 770502, member:

Does this carry on go on in other catholic countries?[/quote]


[quote=“balbec, post: 770723, member: 193”][quote="ChocolateMice, post: 770502, member:

Does this carry on go on in other catholic countries?[/quote]


Do the polaks go from door to door with hand in cap also?