Wedding Etiquette

Do the polaks go from door to door with hand in cap also?[/quote]

No. But they get big presents, laptops, xboxes, even quad bikes. From the extended family. But there is no door to door bumming. They also make the kids go to mass every night for the week after wearing the gear, the ‘white week’. And the day of the communion they organise more prayers at 5pm to stop you drinking too much. It is a complete and utter pain in the arse.

Do the polaks go from door to door with hand in cap also?[/quote]
What’s this craic about going door to door? Do people actually send the kids out to knock on doors saying they’d made their communion??

Bumping for Mickee…

Is mickee321 burying his aul mickey?

Apt thread bump. What’s an acceptable way to turn down an invitation to a wedding? You’d hardly need to speak to them, would you? A little email would be okay?

not following pal
im tied up since last year

email is fine

How close to the day and how close to the couple?

Wedding is end of August and RSVP date is first week. Surprised to be invited and not really close to them at all.

Just click maybe on the facebook event page. They’ll understand that you’re just being polite and probably aren’t coming.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 805603, member: 367”]?
not following pal
im tied up since last year[/quote]

Updates from the wedding your attending at the weekend.

Give us a run down of the traditions etc…

Send back the RSVP card with a note and you’ll be grand

What kind of note?

Hand written

It’s only once youv been through the wedding process hell yourself that you realise people are delighted to get a decline unless its a close friend. Either one less to pay for or great auntie Agnes can no be invited and save a family feud. Think the rule of thumb is that about 1/5 of people will decline

We had space for 130 absolute max and invited 149. Each decline was a little drop of relief.

As Dan says, once you’ve organised one you’ll never harshly judge another poor misfortunate who’s trying to pull one together.

Have they only just invited you recently? If so, it sounds like they are stuck for numbers to cover the cost of the wedding. If you like them, go to the wedding and maybe double up on the cash gift-you can well afford it. If you don’t like them, just don’t go and don’t even bother telling the cunts.

…a ton for a mate 150 if youre with your bird…

That’ll learn them for not inviting you to the wedding

How much you putting in the card tho? 100?