Wedding Etiquette

He is best mates with him so he would be a pure cunt if it was not in around there… As for me I would only give 150.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 968010, member: 2272”]Mexico and Vegas.

Friend of mine is off to Galapagos this year. And Ecuador I think.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I think you have to launch out from Ecuador. Mad to go there for years.

Save yourself the money and book a weekend in the Derrybrien - Killinana trail…

what was it you said earlier Kev

"Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people."

you’re just a bad WUM here in fairness and all you’re doing is giving adopted people a bad name.
cop on FFS

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 968259, member: 367”]what was it you said earlier Kev

"Being adopted has been a large part of what I am. For the most part it has shaped me positively. I’m open, I accept all people, I can mix with anyone, I can find a level with any creed, colour or nationality. Much much better than most of my friends and family who have hang ups about certain people."

you’re just a bad WUM here in fairness and all you’re doing is giving adopted people a bad name.
cop on FFS

Thats a clamping.

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 967368, member: 109”]Kev, with respect, you admitted you’re adopted so you questioning someone elses values in relation to their parents is a load of rubbish.

Out of interest, were you adopted as your adopted parents couldn’t conceive a child or did they have other kids that you were reared with as de facto brothers and sisters?[/QUOTE]

Just reviewing this thread.

That is an outrageous post, completely uncalled for, very nasty, and totally incorrect.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968417, member: 24”]Just reviewing this thread.

That is an outrageous post, completely uncalled for, very nasty, and totally incorrect.[/QUOTE]
How so?

My ex girlfriend was adopted. She is devoted as much to her adopted Mum as I am to my Mum. Probably even more so.

So for Mac to suggest that the adopted child parent relationship is somewhat not as pure as the blood child parent relationship is rubbish in my view.

It also suggests that adopted people are inferior. There is a nasty tone to it.

Much of the thread up until then was just usual Kev stuff. It should really water off a ducks back.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968489, member: 24”]My ex girlfriend was adopted. She is devoted as much to her adopted Mum as I am to my Mum. Probably even more so.

So for Mac to suggest that the adopted child parent relationship is somewhat not as pure as the blood child parent relationship is rubbish in my view.

It also suggests that adopted people are inferior. There is a nasty tone to it.

Much of the thread up until then was just usual Kev stuff. It should really water off a ducks back.[/QUOTE]
I don’t think that’s how it went down.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968489, member: 24”]My ex girlfriend was adopted. She is devoted as much to her adopted Mum as I am to my Mum. Probably even more so.

So for Mac to suggest that the adopted child parent relationship is somewhat not as pure as the blood child parent relationship is rubbish in my view.

It also suggests that adopted people are inferior. There is a nasty tone to it.

Much of the thread up until then was just usual Kev stuff. It should really water off a ducks back.[/QUOTE]
That’s what it sounded like to me too I have to say.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968489, member: 24”]My ex girlfriend was adopted. She is devoted as much to her adopted Mum as I am to my Mum. Probably even more so.

So for Mac to suggest that the adopted child parent relationship is somewhat not as pure as the blood child parent relationship is rubbish in my view.

It also suggests that adopted people are inferior. There is a nasty tone to it.

Much of the thread up until then was just usual Kev stuff. It should really water off a ducks back.[/QUOTE]
A lot of ignoramus would put it in the same catogory as foster or orphaned kids. Not that there is anything wrong with those people either, but they tend to have different upbringings again as it can often be later or fractured from family to family.
People ask me the strangest questions sometimes, however with most people is just ignorance or misunderstanding and no harm is meant.
Mac was being as nasty as his intelligence would allow. And it’s notable the posters who agree.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968531, member: 273”]A lot of ignoramus would put it in the same catogory as foster or orphaned kids. Not that there is anything wrong with those people either, but they tend to have different upbringings again as it can often be later or fractured from family to family.
People ask me the strangest questions sometimes, however with most people is just ignorance or misunderstanding and no harm is meant.
Mac was being as nasty as his intelligence would allow. And it’s notable the posters who agree.[/QUOTE]

What was the strangest question you were ever asked?

Do all adopted kids have cocks that big?

Whatever it was you can be sure he had the answer to it

Strange of someone to think that you would know the answer to that one

Exactly. Very strange.


[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 967347, member: 1552”]Ah look if he’s a good friend you’d have to get them something, in fairness. No real obligation on you to get something but if you’ve known him/them years then it would be nice to get him/them something. If he’s normal he won’t really expect you to get anything but would surely be grateful.

If he’s a lad you only chat to occasionally down the pub/in the work canteen I’d be tempted to hold off.

Was invited to a wedding last year and couldn’t attend. Was for a lad I lived with in college for a few months. Nice lad but not all there, got on well with him but we never really good drinking mates or anything. Had practically no contact with him after college, apart from bumping into him accidentally once or twice on nights out. Got some shock when the wedding invite for the full thing (with a plus one) arrived in the post. Didn’t send him/them anything. Looking back I should have sent him something, a card at least.[/QUOTE]

Great story, mate. Can we have more posts like this i can’t read enough of your musings.

Who the fuck would ask you that Kev?

I’m openly heterosexual lockes, so you should be able to deduce that it would be a lady friend.