Wedding Etiquette

It’s astonishing how many lads have missed the joking here.

Ha Ha, just heard a USA player had a wedding list and the fans at his club pitched together and bought the items he had not got.
What a shower of loons.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968531, member: 273”]A lot of ignoramus would put it in the same catogory as foster or orphaned kids. Not that there is anything wrong with those people either, but they tend to have different upbringings again as it can often be later or fractured from family to family.
People ask me the strangest questions sometimes, however with most people is just ignorance or misunderstanding and no harm is meant.
Mac was being as nasty as his intelligence would allow. And it’s notable the posters who agree.[/QUOTE]
Your not the only adopted person in the world, shut up to fuck. If you were a JCB digger, you’d have dug yourself to China by now. :rolleyes:

You seem upset by all this. Is there something you need to talk about? Of course I’m not, I’m not even the only one on here.

I have obviously taken an interest in the subject and psychology of it. My natural mother had actually become president/chairman or whatever of a society for women who have up their kids and I have met quite a few of them. It can be terribly sad in both sides. So I realise too well I’m not the only one, in fact I consider myself extremely lucky. Unbelievably lucky in fact. Great parents and brother, found great sisters since. Brought up in a sporting house that have me an interest for life, given education etc etc. many many people, even in Ireland, didn’t get that. I’m very appreciative of my situation believe me.
I also lived thru a couple going through an adoptive process (the mid wife as it happens) because they were unable to have kids, and to be honest I could hardly have been happier for people in my life. It was amazing.

You are just a close minded ignorant fool who seems to be uncomfortable with other people’s situations. That’s your issue, not anyone else’s.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968627, member: 273”]You seem upset by all this. Is there something you need to talk about? Of course I’m not, I’m not even the only one on here.

You are just a close minded ignorant fool who seems to be uncomfortable with other people’s situations. That’s your issue, not anyone else’s.[/QUOTE]
Kev, fella.
A, you know fuck all about me.
B, you are now spouting on about how lucky you are etc, but would you not let your parents have any input into your wedding still? You said people who let their parents push an agenda were weak etc.
C. Stop talking shit, good man.

Rumours that Kevin’s biological mother gave him up for adoption after he refused anything but goats milk and fennel tea as a newborn remain unconfirmed.

Lack of breast milk as an infant could explain his posting style alright.

[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 968634, member: 1517”]Kev, fella.
A, you know fuck all about me.
B, you are now spouting on about how lucky you are etc, but would you not let your parents have any input into your wedding still? You said people who let their parents push an agenda were weak etc.
C. Stop talking shit, good man.[/QUOTE]
A. I see how you are carrying on here, and it’s enough to deduce you are ignorant/bitter or both.
B. It’s not up to them, and I know they wouldn’t give a fuck and know what type of person I am. They’d just enjoy the day, no matter the format. I know they don’t agree with inviting people the couple have nothing to do with. They also think modern weddings are a farce.
C. You are rattled within an inch of your life clearly. There is no shit, these are my experiences and they really seem to be affecting you for some weird reason. You’re a tool to let it.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968639, member: 273”]A. I see how you are carrying on here, and it’s enough to deduce you are ignorant/bitter or both.
B. It’s not up to them, and I know they wouldn’t give a fuck and know what type of person I am. They’d just enjoy the day, no matter the format. I know they don’t agree with inviting people the couple have nothing to do with. They also think modern weddings are a farce.
C. You are rattled within an inch of your life clearly. There is no shit, these are my experiences and they really seem to be affecting you for some weird reason. You’re a tool to let it.[/QUOTE]

I’ll take that as an apology and you’re admitting I’m right.
End of discussion. Cheers.

Apparently I hit the sister a headbutt when she picked me up to take me away.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968643, member: 273”]I’ll take that as an apology and you’re admitting I’m right.
End of discussion. Cheers.[/QUOTE]
Crazy deranged cunt. :clap:

Crazy deranged cunt. :clap:[/QUOTE]
Were you adopted Har? Or someone close to you?
How do you feel about it if so?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 968531, member: 273”]
Mac was being as nasty as his intelligence would allow. And it’s notable the posters who agree.[/QUOTE]

If that’s what you think nasty is then you’re even more mental than I thought.

I’m glad you got to meet your birth mother and sisters as plenty of adopted kids don’t. But that doesn’t mean that you’re still not a deranged lunatic incapable of normal discussion.

Just when you thought this thread had died out :smiley:

he complained at the natural mother for breastfeeding him wrong and called her weak willed, she thought ah here, I can’t be having this.

It was completely nasty.

You basically said that he had no right to comment on parents’ wishes as he was adopted.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968733, member: 24”]It was completely nasty.

You basically said that he had no right to comment on parents’ wishes as he was adopted.[/QUOTE]
Basically? Or didn’t say at all?

Its much of a muchness to you apparently.

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 968667, member: 109”]If that’s what you think nasty is then you’re even more mental than I thought.


but you are a horrible nasty cunt…absolutely no doubt about that…

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 968733, member: 24”]It was completely nasty.

You basically said that he had no right to comment on parents’ wishes as he was adopted.[/QUOTE]
No it wasn’t. Kev had contradicted himself & Mac pulled him up on it.