Wedding Etiquette

A sure sign you’re losing once these two start agreeing with you :smiley:

Thanks bud, means a lot coming from you. You hungry cunt :wink:


carryharry has been a disaster since he joined TFK,forum favourite horsebox joined at the same time and harry must be envious of how horsebox has won over the masses

[QUOTE=“North County Corncrake, post: 969017, member: 80”]+1

carryharry has been a disaster since he joined TFK,forum favourite horsebox joined at the same time and harry must be envious of how horsebox has won over the masses[/QUOTE]
The sooner that carryharry fucks off, the better.

[QUOTE=“North County Corncrake, post: 969017, member: 80”]+1

carryharry has been a disaster since he joined TFK,forum favourite horsebox joined at the same time and harry must be envious of how horsebox has won over the masses[/QUOTE]
And me mate.

that’s a given

he wasn’t pulling the piss

When? Mine was a general observation not directed at any one comment. He’s not pulling the piss all the time but a lot of posters miss it when he is because they are so wound up.

Mickee wound you up proper good there

Jesus @Rocko I know I’ve asked you this before but can we get a rating that’s stronger than dumb for shit like this?

It’s already there mate. You see the ‘@myboyblue said’ bit at the top of the post?

He really got under your skin there alright. He’s made absolute shit of you.

I just don’t get you, man. Sometimes I think you’re harmless enough…but then you do your thing where you feel the need to comment inanely on every single fucking topic and you remind me what an annoying individual you are. Each to their own I suppose.

Wow, this coming from you is quite a scathing put down. Or y’know, not.

What I do take out of this is the fact that you think I’m harmless (or not harmless, I honestly nearly fell asleep reading another dimwit red post from you), all because of something posted on an Internet forum. You put too much stock in these things, you shouldn’t really.

Now it seems as though I’ve gotten under your skin too, its been a poor day for you on here. The sun will rise tomorrow, have another go then.

You wouldn’t believe how much more enjoyable the site is with the village idiot on ignore.

The Internet is being taken very seriously here.

And to think, I thought me and Horsebox were going to be friends :frowning:

I’ve to go to a wedding in a few weeks- a work colleague of my princess’ ( there’s only 3 employees) I’ve only met the bride a couple of times… What’s the going rate here?

A kiss on the cheek at the church door should suffice.
