Wedding Etiquette

what do u mean by “only invited recently”
its at the end of august
we sent our invitations about 5-6 weeks before for the irish half of the shindig and had ~100, only 4 or 5 declined
for the israeli half of the show , we sent them out about 3 weeks before and had 250 here, its fierce casual altogether here, ive been invited to a wedding by email/ SMS at times,
another thing here is once u get engaged the wedding is in less than 4-5 months, no hanging about, also in ireland u here fucked up shit like people having a date and hotel booked in 2015 or some shit, what the fk are ppl at, get it over with to fk, u;ll make most of it back on presents anyway
weddings dont start here till 8-30 - 9pm and go on till about 2, no one bar the groom wears a suit
Kinvara’s Passion, ill do a proper write up on wedding etiquette later

no show , erra id give em 50 quid
if i was going 120-150

[quote=“mickee321, post: 805777, member: 367”]?
what do u mean by “only invited recently”
its at the end of august
we sent our invitations about 5-6 weeks before for the irish half of the shindig and had ~100, only 4 or 5 declined
for the israeli half of the show , we sent them out about 3 weeks before and had 250 here, its fierce casual altogether here, ive been invited to a wedding by email/ SMS at times,
another thing here is once u get engaged the wedding is in less than 4-5 months, no hanging about, also in ireland u here fucked up shit like people having a date and hotel booked in 2015 or some shit, what the fk are ppl at, get it over with to fk, u;ll make most of it back on presents anyway
weddings dont start here till 8-30 - 9pm and go on till about 2, no one bar the groom wears a suit
Kinvara’s Passion, ill do a proper write up on wedding etiquette later[/quote]

That would be unusual by Irish standards though mickee-normally you’d get the invitation at least a couple of months before the event. I think they are inviting Bandage as an afterthought because they know he has a lot of disposable income and are just using him as a cash cow.

Fuck that, he hardly knows em, doesn’t want to go and in fact isn’t going. If everyone threw out 50’s like that it’d be some racket. A polite decline is grand.

50 in a card and decline attendance is proper etiquette.

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 805788, member: 1796”]50 in a card and decline attendance is proper etiquette.[/quote]Once again, if that’s the norm then what’s to stop people inviting 100’s they know won’t come? Where does this end?

The wedding’s at the end of August, the RSVP date is at the start of the month and I received the invite some time during Wimbledon. From chatting to others, they also received their invite at that time. We also got one of those “save the date” emails months ago and that was when I first thought…“they’re hardly planning on inviting me to this, are they?”

Why are you only bringing this to our attention now so, mate? Wimbledon was weeks ago.

50 to man like Bandage is scrap money, he’d happily do it to be saved the trouble.

The Burners Wedding gift Scale.

Invited without a guest, Not one of your close friends. €100
Invited with a guest but havent anyone to bring, Not one of your close friends. €120 (Id acknowledge the +1 invite)
Bring a bird with you who doesnt know either of the couple. €150
Bring a bird with you who knows the couple but again not close friends. €200

Wedding of a close friend without bring any guest €200
Wedding of a close Friend and Bringing a bird €250
Wedding of a close Friend and bring a bird who also know couple. €300

Wedding of a family member. €300
Wedding of a family member with a bird €400

Because the RSVP date is getting closer so it’s only demanding some consideration now. Stop asking stupid questions, you fucking cunt.

What’s your relationship status currently mate? Have your eye on anyone? Might be a good excuse to ask a lady out under the cover of needing a plus one. Play it all down to not wanting to look like a loner and then ply her with alcohol and rohypnol.

You have been given no end of great advice on this subject and all you can do is hurl insults.

Don’t go and pop €50 in a card along with an excuse.

Do go and rape somebody-these are your options you horrible bastard.

i would reccommend caoimhaoin ‘s ballinora based printing company as well, they were very helpful with a friend of mine’s invitations, he told me to get fucked when i approached him about this last year for my wedding , i was half afraid he’d do up the invitations and have a picture of Noel O’ Leary’s head on the front or something anyway

[quote=“The Burner, post: 805817, member: 1580”]The Burners Wedding gift Scale.


Fuck off.

Bandage is all over the shop here. Personally I don’t believe a word of this tall tale of him being invited to a social event.

Enjoying the summer holidays are we?!

There was no “+1” on the invitation, pal. But I’m not stepping out, doing a line or courting with anyone at the moment.


He did qualify it by saying he wasn’t expecting it, so I assume it was some work mate of his who felt obliged. I’ve no doubt he/she will be delighted when Bandage declines

Send back the RSVP saying you can’t make it and leave it at that. Don’t put any cash in or anything like that unless it is a relative or something similar.