Wedding Etiquette

Oh there’s food too? Sorry I missed that. Double up on that so and probably round off to a grand if your partner has a big appetite.

Agree, we are out of a recession in fairness.

+1. I don’t know why Mousy and Mullach Ide don’t go way and kill themselves if they don’t want to party.

It’s not like this couple are having the after party in their back yard. Hotels ain’t cheap.

400 for chicken nuggests and cocktail sausages ?

You’re forgetting the bowls of Jimmy White in the toilets. That shit ain’t cheap.

for 400 snots, i’d be expecting bowls of vitamin K and MDMA powder as well as fluffers in the jacks

Speculate to accumulate, art. The boom is back-get on board or FOAD.

A mate who got married recently rang me the other day that 4 people he invited to his wedding gave no gift. Was failry pi*ssed off. He would be renowned as a tight fucker himself so it grinded his gears that the folks didn’t even cover the cost of the meal. Also got a vase off a very well off couple and he made the point of checking it online and saw it had been on sale in Arnotts for 30 quid. He was fairly livid.

Personally it wouldn’t bother me if a few didin’t give gifts. You’re inviting people there to celebrate your day not to have your hand out.

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 1134795, member: 289”]A mate who got married recently rang me the other day that 4 people he invited to his wedding gave no gift. Was failry pi*ssed off. He would be renowned as a tight fucker himself so it grinded his gears that the folks didn’t even cover the cost of the meal. Also got a vase off a very well off couple and he made the point of checking it online and saw it had been on sale in Arnotts for 30 quid. He was fairly livid.

Personally it wouldn’t bother me if a few didin’t give gifts. You’re inviting people there to celebrate your day not to have your hand out.[/QUOTE]

To be honest I don’t think it’s the money but it is the lack of respect not giving a gift/giving a shite gift shows.

Like that well off couple above. That would annoy me.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1134865, member: 24”]To be honest I don’t think it’s the money but it is the lack of respect not giving a gift/giving a shite gift shows.

Like that well off couple above. That would annoy me.[/QUOTE]

the flip side to that is that I get invited to a shit loads of weddings because im well off, people seem to think Ill go crazy present wise

In the post-apocalyptic world, the stark desert landscape in the furthest reaches of our planet, where humanity is broken and almost everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life* what qualifies as “well off”.


Tell them you can’t go but you can recommend them a good wedding band


Is there a chance that your mate only invited that couple because they are well off?

Have you ever been well off?

Silver, platinum or gold?

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1134889, member: 24”]@Spidey

Is there a chance that your mate only invited that couple because they are well off?[/QUOTE]

No they’re his wife’s friends.

What’s the etiquette relating to an invite to the ‘afters’ of a wedding? I despise weddings first and foremost with all the pageantry and keeping up with the Jones’ bullshit that go with the majority of them. Most of them are cunt-fests. Hipsters in their waist-coasts and auld fellas with the shirts hanging out dancing then to some generic pop shit at 2 in the morning. Go fuck yourself if you want to invite me to just the afters, full hog or nothing.

Luckily i haven’t had to attend many weddings. There was a fella i worked with while i was in England who i despised and to my surprise he invited me to the ‘afters’ of his wedding. This same fella would have cut my throat in the earlier days of me being a new employee and went out of his way to try to keep me down, it didn’t work of course. He actually wore a waist-coat to work one day over a shirt, no blazer, and nobody wore suits where i worked so this goes to show the level of cuntishness i was dealing with. Anyway he must have felt somewhat compelled to invite me seeing as he got on well with and was inviting 2/3 other colleagues of ours who i separately knocked around with, and were either too naive or too sound to see through the fucker. He didn’t even hand me the invite in person, he gave it to one of the lads which irked me more but i said nothing. I just didn’t turn up, sent him no card or explanation or fuck all. But what did he expect, we’d walk past each other and hardly salute and he passes on an invite to his ‘afters’. Give me a break bucko.

I acknowledge that is a unique case though and an easy decision, how do others deal with not taking up the option of an ‘afters’ invite? Should there be something sent or excuses made?

If any of ye had women , you’d realise that they handle all this shite

Stump up the cash for a wedding present?

You’ve found a Bruce Grobbelaar* right there.

*A keeper.