Wedding Etiquette

They did indeed Arthur.

A great way of doing it if you ask me. Immediate family only.

Your call completely, pal. It depends on whether you’d like to give them a gift to wish them well but it’s not mandatory or even expected.

Hmmm, I’m in the same situation. I haven’t got him anything yet but I suppose I’ll have to

No. Absolutely not. If you wish to do so, knock yourself out but as regards to having to or expected to then absolutely not.

What would the etiquette be if you were asked to kayak at midnight at a wedding? Would it be in order to tell the bride to fuck off or would you be better off pulling a sickie and pointing to the bad leg?

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@flattythehurdler would know the etiquette here

You’d want to be some sap to be invited to that wedding in the first place


The last paragraph of it :open_mouth:

The whole lot of it.

sounds like an amazing wedding, so modern, the likes of mac is only used to going around with his trousers rolled up to his kness listening to ac/dc at weddings like a fucking gobshite, the gravy from the roast bafe, staining the lapel of his suit


In fairness I get a chuckle out of that feature every week. I believe the author is a pal of @sidney, so you would imagine that she’s a comic genius. One of the other couples this week divulged that they like to play Scrabble as Gaeilge of an evening, while the third couple served food at their wedding that was meat gluten and dairy free.


A yurt. Wow. Just wow.

Not just any Yurt, A Mongolian Yurt

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Not just any Mongolian yurt.
A Monglian yurt on an island

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What a fucking dose. Since when did “beef or salmon” and a feed of pints before shuffling around the floor to a ropey band become passé?

A mongolian yurt. On an lsland. With two saps in it.


A mongolian yurt. On an lsland. With two saps in it. And their families.

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its 2015, 1995 was 20 years ago pal, move with the times, a Mongolian yurt is where its at

Well I’m very bigoted when it comes to Mongolians and their water transport devices.

The local Guards in Castletownshend don’t have a reputation for patrolling the coast to catch drunken kayakers staggering out of wedding receptions, then, I take it?