Wedding Etiquette

I’m as open minded as anyone, and don’t mind an outside the box wedding, but these two sound like seriously pretentious fucking cunts,



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A one or two bed ? Which is it ?

Imagine the carnage If they tried that kayak shite at an Irish wedding. I saw a lad nearly drown himself with a pint during ‘Rock the boat’ at a wedding at the Dunraven Arms a few years ago.


Fucking quares. Interesting to note their auld fellas had nothing to do with walking them down the aisle

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Will your auld fella walk you down the aisle Tossy mate?


Don’t read this it will ruin your day.

First paragraph tells you all you need to know…

…2 benders meet in the Phoenix park.

Fuck that shit.

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So I’ve seven or eight pints drank and you want me to change out of the suit into some old clothes and go kayaking? Would you ever go and fuck


Where’s your sense of adventure, pal

Maybe at the end of a line of coke? Or in the slap in the face after grabbing a bridesmaid’s arse. But a fucking yurt? Correct me if I’m wrong here, but that’s your sense of retard, and not your sense of adventure.

I expect drinking alcohol was frowned upon at that wedding. I doubt they had beef or salmon either.


Fuck me. Honda 50s and crisp sandwiches. Can people not just get fucking married.

I would imagine the type of people that put their weddings in the paper like that are not a very representative sample of the general population.


Generation narcissism. The kind of people who think that their Facebook “friends” actually care what they had for dinner.


They’ll be divorced in a couple of years

Fagan, you seem to be obsessed with reading about other people’s weddings. What the fuck magazine is that anyway that you keep posting pictures from?

Fucking hell lads at the beginning of this thread were quoting 400 euro as an acceptable cash gift? Surely a bit steep?

you horrible tight cunt…i hope for your sake that your friends and family are not as mean.

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where can I read this online? its like something out of the onion, surely these weddings can’t be real?