Wedding Etiquette

Hon @Phil_Leotardo :ronnyroar:

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Good luck and enjoy, @Phil_Leotardo.

Behave yourself, @ChocolateMice. How much did you put in the card for him?

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would you be good enough to post a picture of the grub in the Ravenous thread later kid?

i was at a heathen wedding a year or two ago and while it was made clear in advance that they didnt believe in God i had to find out myself that the horrible cunts didnt believe in providing a good feed either.


+1. I was at a similar union and the cunts served lentils as part of the mains, fucking lentils!

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They will probably both wear sandals.

Have a lovely day, Phil.

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Hope it is not a trendy outdoors event aping American romcoms. It is pissing down here.

Did you bring your kayak?


The rain is God’s tears


Have a great day @Phil_Leotardo

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Best of luck to Mr & Mrs. @Phil_Leotardo

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Good luck to the Leotardos

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Best of luck @Phil_Leotardo.

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I’m in the horrors… Great day/night…Food was A1…traditional beef or fish option after chicken salad and soup and crumble for pudding… There was more food later but I didn’t partake.

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C’mere mouse, a well known limerick interco player was married yesterday, hardly leotardo?

No…far from it.

Phil was married in Slane.

Informative rating

I also see that you know who I refer to

Nice one lads. We kept it fairly simple and personal. The only way to go as it’s over in a flash.
Chilling in the wonderful Hotel Muse here in Bangkok before heading south on Thursday. Highly recommended


Congratulations Phil.

Congrats buddy. Enjoy the honeymoon.