Wedding Etiquette

Not necessarily true. @Cesc4 dated his cousin after meeting her at a family wedding - not sure if there was any shenanigans at the wedding itself though. @ClarkeyCat scored his cousin at a family wedding alright if memory serves me correctly.


He did yeah. Wrote a big essay on here gloating about it.

Was very pleased to hear last weekend that I will have a wedding to attend in November. I have been toying with the idea of buying a tweed suit in recent months and this has made my mind up for me.

Looking forward to shopping for it already


I haven’t been to a wedding for about 10 years.

don’t take any shortcuts, go all out on top quality

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I plan to, pal. Gonna make a serious investment and have it for life


Will it be like one of Rich Riccis suits? Are you his good friend Joe Chambers from clare

What colour tweed?

Something along these lines


the last one is unreal

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Last one is nice. Are you a very good looking man? You won’t pull it off otherwise. I’m bang average. I couldnt pull it off. An ugly man can’t wear an ugly suit

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Is this not a contradiction?

I dont make the rules. I think it means that David Beckham for example could wear whatever he wanted a pull off something a bi more extravagant. Whereas maybe the Gooch couldn’t

He is a shortarse. Only fooling himself.

They’re lovely suits. You should get a cane as well and you’ll be Chris Eubanks altogether.


And a monocle

Saw a cunt wearing a monocle today. Had a beard too, the double cunt.
I had an overwhelming desire to punch the fucker. I think I would have been well within my rights if I had.

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You will be cordially invited to mine, pal.

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Middle one for me. :clap:

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