Wedding Etiquette

Listen mate, I’ll drop back the lawnmower this weekend, jesus, some fucking neighbour are.

Fuck off back to your garrison town you swan eating cunt


I’m very surprised at glas’ mates. Normally linseed smelling handwringers hate all things church

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy when once a student was told to cut the grass by Squire Giant as a punishment.

Being a chilled out ‘upper middle class’ type who still doesn’t like manual labour this wasn’t taken lightly.

When? says the Giant.

Saturday morning, says Squire.


6.15am Squire Giant hears a lawnmower going. Christ, looks out the window.

The selfish giant working away thinks if I’m up every one can be up.

Soon later ‘Scotty the Gardner’ arrived on the scene.


You’d have to be up early in the morning to best that fella.

Was at a wedding in Galway last weekend and didn’t bother our holes going to the church. Just landed at the hotel while the mass was on and took our time getting ready. They were just arriving at the hotel by the time we went downstairs. Worked out perfectly

Good to know that TSG is the same in real life as he is on the internet

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Arriving before the Our Father at the mass is a mugs game. Up for communion and out to shake hands. Saves an hour off the day

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My bother and one of the groomsmen got so drunk the night before our wedding they arrived barely in time for the evening meal, never mind the church and afternoon.
Still pinting away to beat the band at 4am and no one gave a hoot, least of all us. *

*my ma was slightly vexed


My wife could give you a list of who didn’t make the church to our wedding 5 years later. Bitches be crazy as right


You gotta do the ceremony - regardless of how boring and pointless it is - unless you’ve got a really good excuse (you’re hardly breastfeeding @Julio_Geordio?). If it’s more a case that you couldn’t be arsed, then that won’t cut the mustard. You’ve been invited to the wedding, not dinner and drinks as much as that’s all we go for anyway. My advice is to have two swift ones beforehand, stay down the back of the church out of sight, get some work done remotely, and make sure you’re there to give the bride a kiss on the way out.


May have been drunk typing that up yesterday, but this is the gist of it. Even if they’re attending a mutual friends wedding in another part of the country the day before and couldn’t possibly make the morning mass on time. “If they’re not at the mass they’re not welcome at the dinner.” Unreal.

The one who got married already chimes in about people turning up for a free dinner. I said what about the present the hotel and the time off work the least you should get is a dinner.


Fair points, a bit ignorant alright but that’s women for you. If someone has good cause to be late fair enough.

Your mates missus sounds like an absolute cunt.


If he’s mates with Glas he’s well used to dealing with cunts, or more likely he’s a cunt himself.

I’d say the both of them wear their cuntishness like a badge of honout

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Can you imagine how excited he got at the thought of being a cunt about a girls marriage ceremony? I bet he got a mini horn as his cuntish smugness went into overdrive.

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She sure does

Just after reading that…

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