Wedding Etiquette

I should acknowledge his providing me with the honour of being groomsman with my monetary gift. Not only that - classmates in secondary school and UCD. A housemate/apartmentmate for part of college and then for a number of years in the formative stages of our careers. Drinking partners in The 51 every weekend from 2004-2010 inclusive. Teammate for TFK AFC when we won our first ever title, and for all those that followed. I’ve even attended Wrestlemania with this guy.

I’m edging towards making a generous contribution, but how much? Please factor in there’s travel and a couple of nights in a hotel to pay for too.

I’m dreading spending half the day with the likes of @Appendage[/USER] while [USER=9]@Bandage[/USER] and [USER=56]@LetterkennyMan are busy with their official duties.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965004, member: 9”]I should acknowledge his providing me with the honour of being groomsman with my monetary gift. Not only that - classmates in secondary school and UCD. A housemate/apartmentmate for part of college and then for a number of years in the formative stages of our careers. Drinking partners in The 51 every weekend from 2004-2010 inclusive. Teammate for TFK AFC when we won our first ever title, and for all those that followed. I’ve even attended Wrestlemania with this guy.

I’m edging towards making a generous contribution, but how much? Please factor in there’s travel and a couple of nights in a hotel to pay for too.[/QUOTE]

Is he marrying the bird who stalked the shit out of him when he moved into his new apartment?

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965004, member: 9”]I should acknowledge his providing me with the honour of being groomsman with my monetary gift. Not only that - classmates in secondary school and UCD. A housemate/apartmentmate for part of college and then for a number of years in the formative stages of our careers. Drinking partners in The 51 every weekend from 2004-2010 inclusive. Teammate for TFK AFC when we won our first ever title, and for all those that followed. I’ve even attended Wrestlemania with this guy.

I’m edging towards making a generous contribution, but how much? Please factor in there’s travel and a couple of nights in a hotel to pay for too.[/QUOTE]
€300 plus a personal gift.

:smiley: No.

I should note that I could call the groom numerous things (such as someone who was questioned in relation to a murder) but tight with money would not be one of them.

How much, @Rocko?

@carryharry, a personal gift? Huh? Such as?

Who is all getting married?

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965012, member: 9”]How much, @Rocko?

@carryharry, a personal gift? Huh? Such as?[/QUOTE]
I don’t know. I was discussing this with Mrs Rocko earlier and said I’d liaise with you before committing to anything.

Dying to see how much @farmerinthecity sends him despite getting snubbed for an invite.

@KIB man

Is anyone implying the groom is tight with money, pal?

Highly unlikely I’d imagine.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 965016, member: 1”]I don’t know. I was discussing this with Mrs Rocko earlier and said I’d liaise with you before committing to anything.

Dying to see how much @farmerinthecity sends him despite getting snubbed for an invite.[/QUOTE]

That’s funny - you usually liaise with Mrs Rocko before committing to anything.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965012, member: 9”]How much, @Rocko?

@carryharry, a personal gift? Huh? Such as?[/QUOTE]

Decent gold cuff-links with both their names engraved on them. You could also have the date added on if you wish. Just a thought.[/QUOTE]

I’d expect her to wear something with a faceguard.

The logistics of the bit where he has to kiss the bride will be amusing.

No - I just wanted to get my ‘questioned in relation to a murder’ bit in.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 965016, member: 1”]I don’t know. I was discussing this with Mrs Rocko earlier and said I’d liaise with you before committing to anything.

Dying to see how much @farmerinthecity sends him despite getting snubbed for an invite.[/QUOTE]

I should be working off a different scale to you though. You settle on a number and I guess I should double it.

[QUOTE=“Appendage, post: 965025, member: 11”]I’d expect her to wear something with a faceguard.

The logistics of the bit where he has to kiss the bride will be amusing.[/QUOTE]
What is going on at all ??

I don’t know, pal. I’ll find out in the next few days and report back to you.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 965012, member: 9”]How much, @Rocko?

@carryharry, a personal gift? Huh? Such as?[/QUOTE]
Something personal, you know him…