
Doesn’t seem so mad to have a back up plan for when the Brits are at it again

European Route E1. It’s true apparently. I just googled it.

There’s a ferry crossing involved but no actual ferry on the route at the moment.


More roads equals more cars

Vroom vrooooooooooom

Wexford Wexford Wexford

Tug of war used to be some craic in the school sports in fairness

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Almost lost now sadly. Some activity back in my grandfathers time.

You’d come across it from time to time on sports days, or fair days around the country. A group of well set men would wander out of a Hilux or Hiace. Some may already have a few cans cracked. There’ll be an auld stock there too. A lad whose seen many a pull in his day. The lads will be weighed and measured. Some may even have done a bit of training in the weeks leading up.

There’ll always be a crowd there who think it’s a bit of Craic, these lads won’t know what’s hit them when it comes. They’ll be pulled headfirst across the village green, and shuffle off realising they’re not really men at all, at least not in these terms, and there’s little shame in that either.

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The Kehoes of Boley are renowned for the aul tug of war alright. Kevin Kehoe would be well known in footballing circles in Wexford and Eric Bradley who was on the senior football team for a few years would be related to James. Would always heard of the Boley team and half of them Kehoes and then most of them on the Irish team as well. Fair horses of men in fairness. Another relative of his is a bouncer in the infamous “Stores” nightclub.

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Some good old Wexford Prods on Nationwide here. The Boxwells of Butlerstown Castle

Sad news coming out of Wexford town tonight that both the foggy dew and the sky and the ground went up in flames, seems to fairly extensive damage to both but particularly the former. I had good nights in both during my holidays to Wexford a few years ago. As if things weren’t hard enough for publicans.

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The sky is fine from want I’ve heard.

Heard the same. Well, that its damage is minor.

Foggy Dew looks bad though.

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The foggy dew was gutted there. Is that the pub ordinarily frequented by dubs during the summer and there’s karaoke there most nights? @Bandage

There’s regular karaoke there alright. It’s popular with a younger crowd, not sure about Dublin element.

One of the posters here spent a night there one summer, proclaimed it to be the best pub of the night…

Personally I prefer my pints without a hon from walnut grove butchering a total eclipse of the heart in the background…


Well lads has there been much rain around ? I fancy one tomorrow but need the
Ground to be decent. @Mac @Appendage

There was a good deluge yesterday and I doubt it’s dried out since so there should be a bit of give in it anyway

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As usual, I don not understand twitter.

Kehoe farming seems pretty niche, would there be that much demand for Kehoes?