
Gives the Army a lot of sex rappel

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Two yellow cards.

“Dope on the table” press conference, without the dope on the table


  • Mothership sales from Panama with a pile of drugs a month ago
  • irish/uk group scramble around trying to buy a trawler to go out and meet the mothership
  • irish group run aground without docking with the ship
  • ship hangs around for 48 hours before trying to head for international waters, still full of drugs

Seems a bit amatuerish for such a large scale operation.

It’s like Roger Casement but with drugs

Ever since Mr Mansfield stopped giving them an easy way in they’ve had to get more creative

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Hard believe we’re not dealing with masterminds in the Irish drug industry.

Bastards still haven’t started it, and it might be moved to Cork.

How is this cocaine haul gone from 150 millon yesterday to 500 million today? Was there more found? Inflation?

Street value. The Guards are way over paying for their drugs

Guards were using the wholesale price of the shipment. The tabloids have converted it to a notional street value figure.

Is that kinda like the difference between cash & carry/wholesaler price & recommended retailer price?

Ya, some expert on the news said that recently police forces around the world have moved to using the wholesale price when they seize large inbound shipments as it’s a more defined metric.

The amount of actual cocaine that’s in the street level product can vary hugely so it’s not a good marker. They will still use street level values if they’ve intercepted drugs after it’s been cut etc

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Maybe the government could sell the shipment to build some affordable housing

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You’re lucky IOTM isnt a thing anymore.

I suppose it flips the model from Anto selling it and the Government giving him a free house.


Housing snortage


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Know it’s been bandied about
Bit it still gives me a laugh