
Another big shipment intercepted off Spain. :rat: :rat: :rat:

I’d love to know what’s getting through every week

Price for a bump will surely go up now

Drugs trade is worth €4 billun each year in Ireland according to a lad.

So if that half billun was a half billun then it’s over a months supply.

But I’ve no faith in my source.


Kaiser Noonan?

So each person in Ireland on average is spending 800 euro a year on coke.



If I had one foot in a bucket of water at 0C and the other in a bucket of water at 100C, my feet would be in water at an average temperature of 50C.

But that would be a meaningless number.


Tons of them, as the extradition treaties with most countries are non-existent or very weak at best. Top organised crime figures from Australia, India, Netherlands, Italy, Chile, Bosnia etc etc are resident there along with our own gowls from Oliver Bond and Hardwicke St flats.

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I’d fry the bastard I would.

About 50% right. Ted, Pigeon and Alannah are just made up. Daughter makes no sense.

I trust this fella more than you. He’s Wexfords preeminent folklorist

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Michael knows his history but he’s still only half right

I used to work for Guinness* with a Wexford lad. He called everyone Ted. Even the women.

  • the company Guinness. Not working for pints

Wexford Mac being badly shown up here lad

Quieten down there Pigeon

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Ooooft @Mac drew Ted in there lovely…

Yeah i would have known lads who would call others ted too. Much in the same way that i wouldnt know anyone who’d call each other hun, but i know the likes of @bandage and his ilk would be a hun type. Wexford is a big aul county with many different dialects


Such a diverse population.