What am I doing to stop Climate change

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Who is this guy ?? Does he hurl ??

No that would be hurting an ash tree

Wavin ???

Plastic??? You fucking murderer


he had a pop at people on bikes which hs caused me a lot of hurt

I’m no fan of Ryan but that’s a pathetic attack on him.

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A perfect example of the reductive nature of twitter. Throws detail-less mud in as few characters as possible and runs for the hills. Cowardly stuff.

If he has issues he should name them in as much detail as possible. There’s plenty of formats for that. Most notably a long form podcast.

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How dare he go to school where his parents sent him

Seemingly this program ruffled a few feathers Sunday night and got a few people thinking. Missed it myself.

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@flattythehurdler needs to take a long hard look at himself.


Saw this , very upsetting… Most people dont give a fiddlers tho - they want their nice things made cheaply and big lumps of meat on their plate and to take pictures of it for likes.


Are people still buying into this carbon emissions con. We’ve fuck all carbon in the atmosphere. What carbon there is has barely changed for hundreds of years, and what change there has been probably has very little to do with humans.
Carbon tax me hole. The clue is in the word ‘tax’

farmer from Derry with below average intelligence knows more than the top scientists in the world bombshell

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You clown. Carbon levels have barely risen since before the industrial revolution.

Finally the scientists get some good news.
Are they still blaming cow farts?

That’s Bullshit…

Nope, they’re currently about 450 molecules per million. They were about 250 before the industrial revolution. These are tiny fluctuations overall. Theyve been measured in the thousands at numerous points in the earth’s history.