What am I doing to stop Climate change

Ok, I’ll give you 6 months grace…

I’ve hardly driven my car the past 3 months.

Same here, I take the jeep everywhere these days.


Saoirse is leaving the Green Party. That’s what she’s doing…

This is how I felt 10 years ago.

The Greens are a laughing stock, again.

Have they learned nothing?

Hit her up mate

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She speaks the truth.

I’ve always voted green for big picture reasons, but always in the knowledge that that brand of politics and activism attracts the absolute worst of society along with the best, allegations of bullying in the Greens are no surprise

I agree, there’s no vision,no long term planning on what’ll be needed in 20 years, it’s just a popularity contest promising pie in the sky.

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Instead of career politicians we should be putting people in power who have lived a life and have been outstanding in their field for 20 years …

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i always feel you are having a pop at me

There was a brief chance post Celtic tiger to drive for something better, the long list or similar as was proposed for a national government. But that’s gone and twitter has dumbed down some and driven more away from the repetitive points scoring of our politicians. Hard decisions need to be made now on standards of living to arrest climate change, but no politician will make them. Did you ever see idiocracy? We’re now living in it.

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Give it to Michael O Leary until end o season.

You’re saying I should be in charge?

cc @TheUlteriorMotive @gilgamboa

You are killing the lot of us

“The way humans change landscapes across the world, from natural forest to farmland for example, has consistent impacts on many wild animal species, causing some to decline while some others persist or increase.

“Our findings show that the animals that remain in more human-dominated environments are those that are more likely to carry infectious diseases that can make people sick.”

I’ll ate a bit of fish today. Local beef. Local fish. The most sustainable diet a man could dream of. While you’re ating tofu processed in Japan and legumes flown half way around the globe.



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Lovely bit of sweep sweeping - i’d expect nothing less.

Simple Simon cheering him on … another man ridden with guilt.