What am I doing to stop Climate change

In fairness stem cells sound alot easier to round up in a petri dish than putting a herd of limousins into a flock so maybe there are some pros hereā€¦


Wise up. Youā€™re promoting mono crop agriculture, destroying wildlife, relying on pesticides and supporting industrial artificial food production

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An improvement on how i envision Kilkenny/Mordor presently looks

Iā€™ve relatives involved in biogas via their chicken farming back west Limerick. Itā€™s fantastic to see but so slow to catch on. Capital investment needed very high and funding not there for a lot.



Common sense would for the greens to push for substantial tax relief/grants for farms and homes to install renewable microgeneration either solar, geothermal, biogas production and the installation of sockets for electric cars. That would encourage more people to take the green option and reduce coal/oil usage. But pfg will give the country more bike lanes for the homeless to sleep in

So you think the men in white coats chuck a few stem cells into a dish and a burger appears? Without raw materials?


Labs that gave us COVID-19 and now growing meat for us, you couldnā€™t make it up.

Is that the crowd from Kileedy?

And will you guard that notion against common sense, logic etc?

Thats them. Grandfather from kileedy cross.

From magic beans apparently

How are they going now? Last I saw they had raised a nice chunk of money to try and get a few demo plants up and running in the US.

Yeah, went to the EU to get grants. Astute guys but like I say, itā€™s a long slow sales process.

Weā€™re 20 years from a big als option in the freezer. Would get rid of grass fed, itā€™ll be there if you want it. Iā€™ll be sticking to grass fed meat I say but I wonā€™t be preaching to others on their choice. I tried that vegan meatball sub in subway and I will say its a decent replacement with taste but I perfer the meat one.

The meat eaters have been triggered hereā€¦their guilt eating away at them

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This baby will be ready in an hour

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Iā€™m very disappointed that your doctors havenā€™t put you on a clean diet and are letting you poison yourself.

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No drink, no smokes. Gimme something kid