What’s your financial situation

What’s a good wage after tax ? In average ireland .

If I sold a site for 48k belonging to my father I’d put most of it in shares. 5k in the wanking sock is a good idea tho , never thought of that . Nobody would check there .

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Not a wheeze as such surely? They are invariably a fixed percentage over the base rate. These should be an absolutely guaranteed steady income stream for banks in a functioning sensible system, and the epitome of the very nature of a banking system.
It’s the banks fault that they are/were run by such morons that they couldn’t do their sums properly and work out exactly how much over base they needed to charge to make a modest profit enough to finance their needs, or allowed those morons free reign enough with their greed that lending in itself became bonusable (if that’s a word)
That and the regulator being a lazy dickhead and a coward who also had his snout in the trough of the corporate junket no doubt.
And finally the broad failure of acceptance of personal responsibility, and the lack of any will or system of credible loss of an asset used as security against default.


Does that not tax at the highest rate?

I’m also not positive on this but you can’t sell sites I think. Isn’t it family only nowadays.

That’s just a planning thing and depends on the council plan for the area. Some areas there will be no issue, other areas they may restrict planning to those with what they call "local need ". Even though I think that has been ruled illegal by the EU recently.

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The banks borrowed the money back in the they and are paying 4 and 5 % on it. Meanwhile Johnny Paycheck is paying between .75 and 1.25% over Euribor. Euribor has been at in or around 0 for as long as I can remember.

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Ah I see. I’d a lad doing some work for me A few months back and His dad had land in A few places I think. He had got planning permission and built a house on one bit. He decided to sell the house as he was under a bit of pressure money wise and the father was going to be selling the land in the not too distance future anyway as nobody in the family was going farming and it was fairly valuable. His other three brothers had sites on what they called the home farm. Not a million years would the council give any of them planning permission after the brother selling the house he’d built.

Where I’m from, if you build for local need which is the only way you’ll get planning, you can’t sell for 11 years I don’t think. Most sites are sold “subject to planning”
I still think you have to pay top rate tax on any site you sell.


e650 on the tools,won’t get it though,I was getting same for less hours 15+ years ago


Its actually been negative for the last few years.

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Lucky to get e500

Depends where you’re living, rent mortgage, etc.

Yep, bloody agencies

Currently there is a planning restriction in that applicants must already or originally reside within a 10km radius of the proposed site. A ridiculous archaic intervention and should be overturned by EU legislation shortly.

You should also be careful to only sell one site at a time and try to avoid any indication that a ribbon development might evolve i.e. a string of houses along a road. Apparently Councils shit the khaks at the possibility of this even though they exist all over the country.

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Are you a decorator mate?

Too much bungalow bliss kid. Pack them into the towns and cities. Services are easier in there.

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Percolation and subsequent well drilling would be the only potential obstacles. Electricity lines are everywhere and cant imagine anyone is installing physical telephone lines these days with GSM availability.

Yes been accused of same

Ah, it’s schools, busses, everything. I’ll have to refer you to @Gman on this one.