What’s your financial situation

Doesn’t happen in reality though. Most schools are hugely segregated on class lines and most of them have a very narrow social circle.

Those people aren’t working class so in my definition. I’m talking lads in factories, labourers, cleaners, shops

There are no class lines in this country. Any ones that do exist are drawn up inside peoples heads.

Dublin has and always had a wannabe upper class private school set.

Are you saying there are entire schools and areas in Dublin where education isn’t freely available and people don’t know its benefits?

This isn’t Mumbai.


Outgoings < Incomings, so I’m grand. Come out of college smack bang in the middle of the recession, but did so with an IT degree, so always had work. When I left the country for a year it was very much a lifestyle choice rather than being forced to find work. Still have all the fun of children ahead, which is where the spreadsheets will be put to work, no doubt.


Agree but for any thirty something taking out a mortgage at todays prices… You are realistically looking at 60 plus for mortgage clearance


I went into computer science on the back of stories of lads getting headhunted on major salaries and lads buying boats off the shares in the big IT companies.

4 years later lads were getting houses repossessed and the jobs were scarce. Lads were shitting themselves

Nothing is impossible just more difficult. It’s an observation bud. I’d say anyone who’s from or worked in these communities will know what I’m getting at. As I said initially its a different world to what most of us here know


Agree with that.

Which communities?

I wouldn’t have thought 420 a month would be a very high loan repayment?

I guess I was thinking short term pain for long term gain

Vital to have it if you’re self employed.
Fellow I know, self employed with a big brood of kids and missus not working. Paralysed from the waist down in an accident a few months back. Luckily he had income protection.

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Unfortunately I didn’t come from men of property neither did my family get gifted a council house which could be bought at a knockdown price … my father didn’t spend his weekends in pub and bookies neither… My parents worked their ass off to provide for their kids to the point that now that they have a bit of money they dont know what to do with it because their whole life was based on living with in their means . .


Our wan won’t be off to college til I’m in the mid 50s

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I’m afraid the money I’ve put away for the youngest will be eaten up in bail money

It’ll be spent on her one way or the other pal :joy::joy:


I will be 60s


You’re paying far more interest on a personal loan. If you have a few years left on the personal loan maybe check to see if you can consolidate it into the mortgage. You’d be surprised how much you’d save.

Good points

I’ll be 63/4

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