What year did society reach it's peak?

Don’t look back, you can never look back.

In answer to the original question I would say it varies from country to country.

I’d say the USA peaked in the 50s and has been regressing since. The U.K. Peaked before the First World War and has been in decline since. Not sure about ourselves.

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UK not in decline now as such. Bumping along the bottom the past years I’ve been here, maybe a bit better as the slums gradually gentrify as no one can afford a first house anywhere decent anymore.
Ireland is fucking waaay better. Any job, anything at all in the 80’s was a prized commodity, and the country was ruled by the church and quivering in fear.
Loads of ordinary work around now. Lads don’t remember. People have forgotten the value of money a bit, which I find depressing a bit, but there is enough for everyone to eat properly and clothe themselves.
The 24 hour bus to London is a thing of the past, thank God.
Lads forget that at the time it was a 24 hour journey and a weeks wages to go, effectively like Australia is now.
Those were awful times for a lot of people.
The things I saw whilst on the sites in the late 80’s as a teenager still haunt me sometimes tbh, lads turning up looking for a start with everything they owned in a cheap suitcase with them.
People driving around on paddys day with tricolours all over the car in Manchester. It’s an amazingly short time since the bombs went off. The peace process and all involved have improved the lot of the irish here no end.


I worked a couple of Summers on sites at that same time. Took the Slatterys bus through Holyhead.

Plenty of men working there with families still at home from all parts of the country. We had a good time for the Summer but I still wonder how it worked out for some of the lads who were going to be there long term.

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Late 90s was a great time in Dublin. People had money and were enjoying life.

Today is a lot like it but with all that social media/narcissism/self involvement/curation of a public persona have brought

Still I reckon being single now in your twenties with tinder etc must be some craic


good reading in that @flattythehurdler

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which society?

Maybe in the impoverished north

The popular music scene has declined steadily since 1995/96-ish.

From the 1950s to the mid-1990s, music was always the cutting edge of popular culture. Since then it has been gradually replaced in that role by reality television, mobile phones, the internet and social media.

Popular music isn’t even close to the cutting edge of popular culture now.


I couldn’t even say who the “popular music” artists are nowadays, Bruno Mars?

Top of the Pops doesn’t exist anymore so I wouldn’t know either.

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The boys on here and into some rapper fella, I’ve heard them mention him once or twice. Jazzy Jeff I think they called him.

Didn’t Justin Bieber have the 1st, 2nd and 3rd song in the singles charts recently enough, that says it all really

Bieber is a legend mate, don’t knock him.


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What do you mean?


What were the other 2?



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One more…

Let it go Fran, its getting unseemly now, you really do love yourself dont you?

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