Whats the best Irish radio station to listen to?

A very decent skin for a Doneraile man

Dermot leaving the Dermot and Dave show.

Taking over for Tubs apparently

The George Michael to Dave’s Andy Ridgeley.

Is he the one that had the self help book? I thought he’d follow in the successful footsteps of Keith Walsh

Yep. I went to see his show a few months back. Got to the interval and went home. Didn’t laugh once - and I know it was a self-help gig, but he is a comedian and he was telling jokes. Brutal.


He’s the “chawklit” fella. @gilgamboa is a massive fan.

I have never listened to the Dermot and Dave Show and I do not know who Dermot is apart from knowing that there is a person called Dermot who is one of the presenters of the Dermot and Dave Show.

In the very rare moments that I have very briefly considered the existence of this show I have always assumed that Dermot and Dave are human equivalents of the DJ 3000.

Dermot used to host Republic of Telly didn’t he? He seemed to be a bit of a Limerick hurling fan from the odd time I heard him before finals.

He’s not really, he’s a rubby man but hopped aboard the bandwagon in recent years.

He’s ex Crescent Comp (secondary school) where rugby football dominates.

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I’d file them under Idiotic Radio Shows that I am not the target market for. Like that one on 2FM with Doireann the grifter and Donners, the Strawberry Alarm Clock, Ray Flipping Foley and so on.




Forced laughter.

Massive Limerick GAA man. Never misses an All Ireland and is always there in the Premium/Corporate.

His auld lad used to be the head man in Howmedica

Yeah he’s a mad Limerick hurling fan…kicks in at championship time like most

As did I at one stage!

He said on air (Mrs Locke told me) that he’s concentrating on this mindfulness racket.

And that’s all it is,a racket


Bressie and Keith Walsh won’t like that one little bit. That’s their turf.

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