Whats the best Irish radio station to listen to?

Perhaps in some parts of the country? Surnames can have quite different pronunciations in different areas
The insistence on old lads pronouncing Walsh as Welsh is my favourite

If you’re from Kilkenny/ Waterford, it would be pronounced as Welsh nearly as much as it’s pronounced as Walsh(e) I’d reckon. I could be completely wrong too!

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My old fella used to do it, I had a pal called Alan Walsh and he never called him anything other than Alan Welsh

He knew his old lad also so maybe that was the reason

Welsh is the correct pronunciation. The Irish is Breatnach - the Welshman.


That’s very interesting, I never made that connection, I wonder how it came to be spelled and pronounced Walsh in the majority of cases?

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We’d call em Welshs in South Limerick

Ditto in far east Limerick.

Sarah McInerneys badgering style of interviewing is tiresome and fairly rude.

If Ewan Mac was given a gig on a drive time radio show I’d expect similar style


Keane / Cane
Geoghegan / Geoooggg han
Vaughn / VaughAAN

I’m sure there are a few more out there

Famously Lehane is Leeeehane in Cork, Coughlan is Cawlin

Only within the city limits

Jamie From Newtown was Cawlin

His father must have been from the city

I actually the exact same when I tuned in this evening. She kept talking over Fergus O’Dowd to repeat some non point

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Colin Coughlan was announced as Cawlin last Saturday night to serious murmuring in the crowd

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Nothing new there

I tuned in for a few seconds this evening, concluded that she was a dud who has been promoted beyond her talents and promptly switched off again. Your man O hEadhra/ O’Hara is even worse.


No, he’s Coughlan.

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I read that as talking over @Fagan_ODowd