Whats the best Irish radio station to listen to?

2 items i remember from Limericks Live 95 was
1 the I listen to Live 95

and 2 - The Love Letter - i remember some of the girls actually making a fake letter in 1st or 2nd year college to send in i dont think any of those letter could actually ever been really otherwise limerick people need their heads checked badly

Matt Cooper making a last ditch effort to floor Brian Cowen on the last word. Cowen is one crafty bastard but Copper is still going after him.

Is there a better radio station than Limericks Live 95FM or a better radio presenter than Joe Nash at the moment??

He just had Roy Collins on and is teasing an interview now with Justin McCarthy…

WFAN is better than it.

Anton Savage is Terry Prone’s son!

I never knew that but it definitely makes sense.

Newstalk Sports Saturday Discussion Panel with Ger Gilroy

Found these podcasts recently and have been listening back to them going back to at least April or May. A fucking great show that came to prominence in sporting circles for Wooleys labelling of Micko as a bluffer. But its a great listen, Gilroy is a very easy host for the most part, and gets some great guests. Had one of the founders of ESPN in one weekend and his take on Irish sports and broadcasting was great to listen to.

Not a jibe at it, but so far the LOI contributers have been the weakest imo, but maybe thats my own orientation coming into play and perhaps they will improve as I move through more of them. Another standout was Enda McNulty who is a great listen and someone who I would always have time for.

I’d recommend anyone to download them, they’re available on Newstalk iTunes.

Great row between Vincent Browne and Anton Savage on the Last Word on Friday evening.


Starts off as a tame enough interview but it ends up with a blazing row about why Enda Kenny won’t go on Vincent Browne’s tv show. Interview starts about 2/3rds of the way through (@ 20:50) that audio clip with the heated stuff near the end (31:00 mins or so).

Click on the ? to see the time elapsed.

FFS- Ger gilroy is a mong who doesnt have a clue about sports- newstalk sport is very poor & the station as whole is on the way out- what sickens me about the station is that denis the crook o brien owns it- furthermore he is bessiers with vincent browne & browne uses the below average presenters on his show

cunts the lot of them,

I was very disappointed to find out Anton Savage was Terry Prones son.

i was very disappointed when i found out terry prone is anton savages mother

I regretfully disagree.

que sera sera

RTE Lyric natch. Newstalk sporadically.

Some wankathon going on for the past hour or two on Today FM, its Darcy’s 10 year anniversary. Some fucking knobs that text in there.

That was once a great show in my opinion. Went downhill when Ray and Jenny got together, too much baby talk and couples talk.

It went downhill for me when he started reading out every text that went into the show and when he started preaching on air. He’s turned into a right opinionated cunt.

2fm has been on out in the clients all morning.

Calexico’s cover of Love’s Alone Again Or and LCD Soundsystem’s Daft Punk is Playing in my House the highlights so far.

Revelate is on now. Hate that Hansaard cunt. :angry:

Hoppiolla by Sigur Ros on now.

This Rick O’Shea is some annoying fuck but he is pulling out a decent tunes.

Ready for the Floor on now.


Original by Leftfield.
