Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Their entire core network is down apparently. They seemingly need people physically onsite to access equipment.

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This will set the Internet of things back 10 years.

And represent a victory for the things of the internet

Everything? So at the point of connection to the Internet , Facebook don’t exist.

Someone has done a serious number on them

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This would be incredible.


My thoughts are with Ranjeesh who accidentally deleted a block of code somewhere and is now pretending he never touched anything


From what I’ve read its a BGP issue, (which i know very little about) which is like DNS. It’s seems to be the equivalent of both their internal and external dns records getting deleted. Meaning nothing can find anything either on the Internal network or via the public Internet.

Is that likely a hack or an accident?

I’d guess either a mistake or malicious insider.

Facebook would be no loss. Instagram and WhatsApp would though


Would be any interesting social experiment as to how relaxed people would be a week after coming down from fb withdrawal

My Smart TV keeps asking me to put on Alexa since I got a UK sourced Amazon firestick.

They can fuck off.

It’s coincidental timing given the whistleblower this morning, maybe someone just wants to watch the World burn.

Fuck ra lot of them.

Bring me back to 2005.


They can have FB and InSta. I’d be lost without Whatsapp though. I actually use it a lot for work as well, I find the whatsapp web the bees knees


It’s well worth the money

12c a text and burning through the credit. Nah man

Facebook pulled the border routes. They were serving 503 on the routes when they were up.

This is a hack

Nothing is for free in this life, mate.