Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

I’ve explained it to you. If you can’t comprehend or refuse to read it, that is not on me.

Explain to me why you’ve got a problem with my position, you’ve bizarrely attacked me here

Unintelligible gibberish.



It doesn’t matter what the text is, it’s about answering the questions displaying that you have the ability to critically evaluate what you just read


you don’t say? thanks a million for taking the time to clear that up for me.

Well you seemed to be having serious trouble with it


no, it seems other people have serious issues with me thinking a puff article on a pop star isn’t worth critical evaluation and maybe a more generic, substantive topic would be better suited to examination, but there you go

A small thing really, but you have lads questioning your intellect straight away, it’s always the same lads, and it’s always the same insecurities

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I Was awful at and hated Irish in school

A few years ago i did a 10 week night course in Conra na Gaeilge (Harcourt Street in Dublin) because I was annoyed with myself I couldn’t speak much Irish

You’d be surprised what you would remember and the classes were very focused on talking rather than listening and writing notes

I’d consider myself to still have basic Irish but something I’d like to still improve on

So is WhatsApps back or what?


Your reading comprehension will allow you to interpret the article on Denise Chaila and answer parts (i) and (ii). If you’ve no interest in living abroad or in music/film/literature (eg you are a farmer), how are you supposed to answer the other questions.

What a banger. I thought that the Irish language would have more than enough pronouns to cope with it.

I suppose they’re examining your ability to bullshit, which is a very important life skill

Farmers have no interest in music or living abroad? Every farmer I know my own age has lived abroad for a time and most of them like music also.

If you can’t write about music and living abroad at 18 you haven’t much hope

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I had a subject called "General Studies’ for A Levels. Had to write about Princess Diana in the exam.

do you take everything so literally? I presumed Biff was taking comedic license with parts of that (the bit you got uppity about, specifically)

Much hope for what? I know a man in his 50’s who can’t read or write and has found a way to own his own home, raise a family (2 of whom are in college) and run a successful business

Well done to him. We may as well forget about school altogether so

Ah this would remind you of someone…also from Cork incidentally.

nobody made that argument

You said there’s no hope for someone that can’t write about music or travel at 18, I gave an alternative.

An outlier


But saying there is no hope for someone who can’t write about music or travel at 18 is pretty cuntish if you ask me

A figment of an imagination more like.