Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Like your pretend family?


Yes, my pretend family would be made up.

My real family, not so much so.

I didn’t say no hope. Everybody these days can read and write anyway so it’s not comparable to a lad in his 50s

what happens the Gaelscoils if Irish is removed as a mandatory subject?

well that’s wrong anyway for a start

To bring this thread back full circle, is this on the LC curriculum? You could learn a lot from this.

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Your opinion on the matter is invalid because you don’t even want more people to speak Irish.

Fagan speaks Forth and Bargy

BTW how the fuck did @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy like that post, fucking shameful, spitting in the face of the hunger-strikers, no joke.

Edit: No he doesn’t Fagan is from Waterford.

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Heavy generational impact on that.

In what language would you prefer be taught them?

You still need that strong basis in English to learn long after school finishes which is the point of going to school in the first place- learning the skills of learning that equip you for your future

Irish doesn’t do that for vast majority so shouldn’t be compulsory

do you think not completing leaving cert English would have any bearing on how you comprehend a mathematical or science based third level education course? There is a difference in functional English and English literature, wouldn’t you agree? Not caring about dissecting Wordsworth or Shakespeare has no bearing on pretty much anything you chose to study outside of English literature.

Maybe if they split it into functional English and English literature and made the lit part optional, if you have proficiency in functional English by Junior Certificate then you have the choice not to sit it for the leaving

You’re an idiot.

The amount of professionals who can’t send functional coherent emails by the way. Accountants are the worst. And them all reading Wordsworth and Shakespeare constantly.

with thee spreadsheet i do harken thee


Woolworths were great in fairness

What about your suggested


Communication plays a role in everything. While maths and some science subject like physics more.so than biology would have less dependence on English, being able.to communicate in your field or discipline long after school is important. English, pass.or honours, aids that hence why I think it should remain mandatory and irish shouldnt

you’re missing my point entirely. Having the ability to decipher classics of English literature, which is what a good portion of the Leaving Cert curriculum is, is absolutely useless to lots of people.
You can gain proficiency in a language without studying art or literature.

For the Leaving Cert there is generally one Shakespeare play. It’s a small enough part

Shur that cunt didnt even write them plays.

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you have to do poets, plays and fiction. Grand if you want to study English Lit or arts. No relevance whatsoever for lads who do the sciences or computers.

I personally found it a complete waste of time and effort. If it was optional I’d have chosen a subject that interested me

For the record, I’m not saying it should be stricken from the curriculum, I’m saying people should have the option whether or not to take it.

I’m surprised this has triggered such a reaction

We’re back so to the discussion on whether school should be purely functional or not. It’s also probably more relevant to the lads studying the puters to round them out a bit.