Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Two ends of a bollocks


For me Irish 8n schools should be thought to speak not to rhyme 9ff a load of poems and auld bollox… If the oral was 80% we would have a lot more people actually able to speak it


Lads, just read the question. Find a word from that question in the passage. Rewrite that paragraph as your answer.

That’s how you learn irish.


Bhi an ghriain ag taitneamh sa speir

It was always sunny on my laethanta saoire in 80s Ireland

Là breà brothallach a bhì Ann. Bhì an ghrian ag scoilte na gcloch.


Agus Sally o Brien ag feachaint ort.

Ach, go tobann!!!


Dhiúltigh me Dia

An bfhaca tù Prime time @Fagan_ODowd? Tuairisc ò Ghaeltacht na nDèise. Ag admhàil titìocht saor a chuir ar fàil do mhuintir dhùchasach. Cheapfainn go mbeifeà ar mire…


Ag spalpadh

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Bhuel nì dhiùltòidh Dia thù. Tà sè go deas mar sin. Togha fear è Dia.

@Rocko , @Juhniallio will be after a subsidy for writing this. Better increase the fees.

I didn’t.

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Ah, tá sé ar ais i mo shaol le 6 mbliana anuas, ach ghearr me amach an fear lár.
Tá líne soiléir agam anois, cosúil leis an ghúthan idir Meiricea agus Putin.

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An bhfaca? Ni fhaca. Seas suas O’Dowd

He was a teacher in Sherrif St and got into politics to improve societal issues for the people of Sherrif st.

You might not agree with his politics but saying he has his snout in the trough is way off



Oooft headshot

Spot on. I can see why he rubs people up the wrong way but I’d imagine hes in it for what he feels are the right reasons.

Apart from AOR who I don’t know a huge amount about bar the facts you outlined and the fact he’s highly regarded in sherrif street , there’s a good point buried in the middle of Cheastys long winded scatter gun rants in fairness to him. Absolutely every single person now is looked on by a growing number of people with complete cynicism. Anybody looking to improve other people’s lives in any sort of public way is just seen as an opportunist, a populist and a ‘virtue signaller’. The world really is fucked if that view takes hold completely.


Animal Farm was largely correct though.
The politicians who make the headlines are often attention seeking flutes.
Contrast with Mary Lou, who despite her huge profile actually keeps her head down. She always struck me as an honest person doing her best for her people. Eamon O Cuiv is another example of a man absolutely entrenched in public service. There are plenty of decent, honest, hardworking politicians, but they tend to remain in the background.
Others are all shouty tweets and Indo headlines.
One major problem is that ministers are elected based upon loyalty to a person or cause, however deranged, rather than ability.