Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

It’s the nature of it, doing turns for people in need is mutually beneficial when you are a politician and how it’s viewed is generally whether said politician has helped or hindered you.

Another issue is that lads need to stay local as well as national unless they are full legends. Tds should really be involved in national level issues. It would be better for the cou try. But if a lad does that he can be seen as getting too big for his boots and forgetting about his constituents and he wont get in next time. Very few independents think nationally unless its single issue stuff. Why would they.

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I have a close friend who is a teacher in Darndale. Through my friend I have gotten to meet the recently retired principal of one of the primary schools in there on a handful of occasions. She is one of the most impressive people I have ever met and had a very interesting life and what I can only describe as a je ne sais quoi about her.

She mentioned Aodhain and how he is a bit of a head in the clouds type of dreamer but he is very generous with his time and is constantly makes a big effort to help the school with various projects and funding. He is only one of three local politicians who show any real interest in the two schools and community centre in Darndale along with Denise Mitchell and Mary Lou.


Ryanair really attracts these muppehs

The drink drives lads shtone mad.

He musta been gutted when the lads didn’t hold him back

@Batigol doing a fair bad job there


Anyone see the screenshot from x hamster?

Throw it up there

Did a bit of editing to remove too graphic stuff. You get the picture

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great work

My money is that is @Your_Mums_Athletic on holidays


He actually looks like someone I know.

He’s thinking “Jesus, I’ve not seen something blown as well as this since this year’s Munster Final”


Yourman in the mirror :joy:

Any sex scene in a TV show/movie I just quote giddy up there boi. Hon Limerick

Slow work day?

Our man in the green jersey may have pulled his infamy down so to speak