When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Is cocaine consumption back to “ Celtic tiger levels “ ??

Silly little twerps with their cocaine. Less than ten per cent purity. Fucking idiots. Sculls turned inside out on themselves from whatever else is mixed in with it. Not a wonder suicide is through the roof. Embarrassing that our youth are so retarded.


Our youth are afraid to open up. I’ve opened up a few times and you just get told to shut up again. I’m not surprised suicide rates are so high. Cocaine takes a lot of worries away for a brief period.

the comedown is fucking savage, I don’t know how ye do it

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Paying through the nose for it then

There’s no chemical solution to a spiritual problem.


Rip Chris

Listen my man, there’s been plenty of genuine souls on here who’ve tried to give you advice, and you’ve acted the fuck with it. You’ve admitted you continually lie through your teeth and make stuff up to get rises out of lads. Don’t be surprised if you do this that you get fuck all back.

There’s some free life advice for you. Do with it what you will.


He got what was coming to him

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I love how much annoy people on here.

You can give me a call whenever you want to talk, bro.



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At the end of the day, we all have to take ownership of our lives. Chris conintued to live his life with reckless abandon.

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You see. Somebody has reached out to me and you mock them. What a sad pathetic individual you are.

The other Italian lad he befriended was never up to much good. Didn’t he balls up the killing off Phil Leotardo.

He was a rotten cunt for shooting the aa lad

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The worst is when Paule murders the old lady

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Counsellor Har is well able to fight his own corner. There’s part of your issues, interfering to remain relevant. Har will fire a salvo as his entitlement and I’ll take it from there.

Stop butting into grown-up matters.


Typical Italian

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