When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

I really am going to the wrong pubs


I’ve never had a pack of Tayto with a pint.


Id a pack of peanuts with a pint a while back. Would recommend.

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Walkers for yourself.


Prawn cocktail flavour.

Bacon fries are the job

Or scampi fries. Or both.

Ating while drinking pints is a disgusting abhorent pastime.

Drinking is also a mugs game.

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Its a pint and a smoke. Nothing else.

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I know, ating crisps with beer. Hipster cunts.

Probably packets of meanies

Them Manhattan crisps are lovely with a feed of pints

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lads, you’d usually take a break from drinking the pint while consuming a savoury snack, it’s not like fellas are dipping the crisps into the pint. fellas do get worked up about very small things on here


You’re a fucking animal.

you’re missing out on one of lifes simplest pleasures, a toasted special, with a package of cheese and onion crisps, mid session, is pure bliss.



There’s lads here imaging a few dry roasted peanuts and salt and vinegar Tayto floating around on the top of a pint of Harp :joy:


You think you know some weirdos on the internet, and then they reveal something like this.

did you ever drink at a proper Spanish bar where they’ve something turning over on the spit or on the barbeque and you get a piece of grilled fish or meat with every jar? that’s living

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