When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Like frank the tank last night

Knee deep in packets of Meanies and tubs of Ben & Jerry’s I’d say.

Jaysus I must get on to my man.

Harvested my crop there about a month ago and aging it since. Made my first batch of brownies at the weekend and had my first sample Monday night. A small error in my calculations and a bit of overexuberance led to an ingestion of about 100 mg THC over a few hours. Fuck me, completely out of my head, orbiting Andromeda. My glorious wife told me the next day that not alone did I agree to her wish list of house projects (that she’s been campaigning about for 2 years), I came up with a few of my own. Apparently the stairs is going to be demolished and a new one built elsewhere out of sight.


You’re too old for that auld shite mate

“You’re only as old as the woman you feel”

Fair play T. No different to drinking half a bottle of whisky to which nobody would bat an eyelid. It’s legal now in California too afaik.

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That’s a dangerous thing to say to a few lads around here

I’m sure I could dig up the post, but you previously mentioned your wife was 7 or 8 years your senior.

TFK is a beautiful place.

Going Dutch

She sounds like a right pain in the hole. Shoe in for the dutch tfk franchise coty

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A mate of mine, one of my best pals growing up was locked up for 8 years today for dealing large amounts of weed, that’s a long time

Is he a single man?

Where did it all go wrong?

He was always a demon for the hash back in the day, the weed in later years, never drank a drop in his entire life, his old fella drowned in a fishing accident before he was born,
Has been dealing small time forever but seems to have ramped up in recent years,
Terribly nice fella and an exceptional soccer player, should have played LOI at the very least but was a bit too much of a maverick


Mickey Sull would know him, we all played on a team together about 20 years ago

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I don’t think he’s a criminal


The law of the land would suggest otherwise. I presume he was aware of this

Did he play with avondale after? Won fai’s?

8 year sentence for something that’s going to be legally for sale within the next decade or seems steep. He must have been shifting serious quantities.