When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

Wasnā€™t his first rodeo Iā€™d say

A pity. A fella I used be friendly with, good friend of friends of mine, used smoke a lot in college. Was always being asked could he pick up some for other lads, so started buying a bit more to sell on and it progressed til he was selling more than he wanted to. Realised he was in over his head and said look lads, this is a bit much for me, Iā€™m out. Not a chance youā€™re out, and youā€™re going to sell double what you are currently. He was stuck. Eventually his house was raided and he was arrested, a couple friends were living with him at the time. (The Limerick leader reported it and the GardaĆ­ said theyā€™d gotten there just in time as another of the rooms in the house had been recently ransacked. It hadnā€™t been, just one of the lads was mental and thatā€™s how his room was.) Anyway GardaĆ­ gave him the choice to inform or heā€™d be going to jail. He reckoned he had no choice but plead guilty and go to jail, heā€™d never be safe if he informed. He got off for a finish, I think the GardaĆ­ took the gang down another way and he was let slide. Lovely guy, never did nor would do any harm to anyone, just got in over his head with something that started fairly innocently. Had a lucky escape.


Nah, that was Spratty, he was brilliant but he would have been in awe of our drug dealing friend

Thatā€™s a scandalous sentence.
A fella got 7 years the other day for stabbing a fella in the head and making him a vegetable.


I was watching south park last night and Randy Marsh has a weed farm. Listening to news this morning about a drugs bust for whatever many hundreds of thousands worth of marijuana. Something totally amiss there.


You can go down for up to 10 years for anything over 13k. Itā€™s not legal while itā€™s illegal.

Probably an unpopular opinion but he is a link in the drugs gangs. Nice as he may be. Heā€™s part of a bigger problem

Itā€™s nonsense that itā€™s treated the same as the harder drugs. Legalise it and take the revenue stream away from the scumbags is a no brainer. Once the States decriminalise it at a federal level Iā€™d imagine we will follow soon after.



Yeah Iā€™d agree. If you were starting from scratch youā€™d probably say itā€™s less harmful than alcohol. Needs to be done on a wider basis though, with a few other EU countries.

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about 50kilos

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About a quarter mil? Thatā€™s a massive amount. He must have been supplying the whole of Munster


Did they get it all? Asking for a friend likeā€¦


Those values are always massively inflated by the cops AFAIK.

Iā€™d say theyd value it around 500k

he is goosed im afraid

He is. He got 8 years

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soz, didnt read it all*

or i did and didnt pay attention

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youd have thought a man knocking out that sort of volume wouldnt have been caught redhanded with it?

Iā€™d imagine he would, itā€™s so scarce he probably had people plaguing him for supply.

All jokes aside it needs to be legalised.


It does. It really does.

Iā€™d imagine fellas are smoking ounces a week to help with the current situation

Also I imagine if he was locked up today he was actually caught a couple years ago