When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

It’s crazy scarce.

I was looking for a bit recently ( was being picky as there’s some woeful useless shit about ) and my man says not a hope.

He then says he can get me any amount of Coke if I wanted it.

Mental shit

It’s something I knocked on the head a good few years ago. I was never able for the strong weed that was going about. Much too intense. I always preferred a good nodge of hash. Much mellower. It’s almost impossible get hash now apparently, all bags

Stuff is so scarce lads are ordering stuff in from America. Problem though is lads are getting pure shite sent over.

I sent a text 2 or 3 weeks ago looking for a quarter. :sweat_smile:
Me man says hang on a minute and I call the 2000s


Sure they are

It’s not that scarce in the capital. Problem is getting on the road from the capital I imagine

If that’s gone on him I presume he has a debt off the back of that too.

That’s a v long sentence. How much is a large amount… He must have been caught with 100k worth was he

It’s not the weed that’s worth that much, it’s the man hours spent selling it, building up a client base, establishing a reputation etc. The weed is worth fuck all unless you’ve a buyer…a bit like a picasso except the weed can be appreciated

Are you deemed essential & can you deliver?

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Ha! The mailman always delivers.

This crowd will post you cookies. Haven’t tried, friends said they were knocked out by them.

Jail for dealing weed :roll_eyes:…a backward country when it comes to drugs legislation. Hopefully he’ll be out in 3 @backinatracksuit

We’ve sorted the gays, the abortions, surely this is the next mountain we need to climb?

First time in front of a judge as well, big quantities alright but 8 fucking years :confused:

Is cannabis a class b or c? Are they sentencing fellas the same for cannabis and heroin like?

Still regarded in same leagues as Cocaine etc which is crazy

Youd want to be mad to be moving that amount of it so. Seems to be up to 13k is the threshold. Just move it in that amount

Really? That’s insane.

Pretty sure yeah.